Friday, January 7, 2011

Preschool Fun

Non-Stop "Cheap Fun" for Pre-Schoolers by Janine Lynn  

(Note from Lois: Many of you have school age children who have just gone off to school or are being homeschooled, and your preschoolers may have felt a bit left out.  Here are some activities that will help solve that problem!)

Is your active pre-schooler starting to drive you crazy from boredom?  These sample ideas are sure to help. Remember, busy kids are happy kids!

Make your favorite flavor of pudding, according to the directions.  Then, use clean fingers or kitchen utensils to "paint" pictures or designs on a cookie sheet.  Have a few licks now and then.

Mix together 1 C. peanut butter, 1/2 C. honey or corn syrup, and 1 C.icing sugar (or Graham Wafer crumbs, powdered milk, or flaked coconut).

Use a rolling pin, cookie cutters, forks, garlic press, or your fingers to make various creatures or shapes.

(Note from Lois: Children under the age of one year should never have honey because of a possibility of botulism.)

Stir a few drops of food coloring into 2 T. milk. With a pastry brush, paint a face or design on bread.  Toast and serve. (Note from Lois:  Rather than using food coloring on something anyone is going to eat, try mashed blueberries, strawberries or even mashed cooked carrots with very little milk.  You can still "paint" your toast, but you won't be putting artificial dyes into your child's body.  Many children have reactions to dyes and sugar, which manifest themselves in uncontrollable behavior.  By keeping a record of dyes and sugar that your
child eats in cereals, candy, hot dogs, etc., you may be able to
determine the cause and effect in your child behavior.)

Sprinkle several drops of food coloring into a bowl of dry macaroni.  Mix well, and spread on cookie sheet to dry.  Glue different colors onto heavy paper to make a picture.

Partly fill a large plastic tub with cornmeal, rice, or colored macaroni, as described above.  Then, use cups, spoons, colanders, sieves, etc. to dig, scoop, and measure "sand".

Roll up a scrap piece of carpet or foam mattress to make a tunnel to crawl through.  Tie to secure.  

(Note from Lois:  Be sure the tunnel is large enough, so the foam does not smother your precious little ones.)

Build ramps or tunnels for your toy cars to run down by balancing skinny boards or tubes on chairs of stairs.

Pour water into cake or bread pan.  Dip your bare feet or hands into water and make "wet-prints" on the sidewalk. 

(Note from Lois: Young children also love to "paint" the house with real paint brushes dipped in water buckets.)

Sandwich bagel between plastic lids.  Thread string through hole in lids and tie a big fat knot on bottom. Hang on tree for birds to enjoy.

In turn, two or more players shake a dice and take that number of Cheerios from a bowl.  When bowl is empty, count your Cheerios to see who has the most.

Janine Lynn is a parent, author, and educator.  Born and raised in Alberta, she is the author of "Help!  I'm Bored! - Over 300 Children's Activities for Ages 2-12".  She wrote this book because she wanted all of her favorite teaching ideas collaborated into one book, ready to use for any occasion.  Find out more about "Help!  I'm Bored!" at:
or E-mail Janine at: dale&

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