Friday, September 8, 2017

It Happened Here: A Small Halt

by Sheila Petre
Used by permission

                My friend Abigail was running across her lawn sometime last year and something happened to her foot. The doctors are still unsure of a diagnosis, and she lives with pain and an inability to walk on her own two feet comfortably.
                Abigail is cheery and friendly, and has a great sense of humor. When I met her a few weeks ago at the parent-teacher meeting, I talked with her a while. Was she still suffering from that foot? She was—she had it propped on a wheeled knee-rest.
“The lengths,” I said, “to which some people will go to get out of gardening.”
                She laughed, obediently, but later I regretted my words. I am not a born gardener, but I needn’t assume everyone shares my reluctance in the field. It’s an attitude problem for me, I fear. When writing or editing, I have had moments of needing to force myself to stay in my chair until I am finished. Why can’t I be so disciplined about Gardening? With its relentless do-it-today-or-regret-it-all-winter, and even-if-you-work-your-hardest, you’ll-never-be-finished-in-August, and are-you-sure-you-should-read-while-you-feed-the-baby-since-that-means-it-takes-longer-to-feed-the-baby, gardening, if I looked at it as I do writing—a privilege—could be more manageable.
                Strawberries are in, after all—a little early this year. Raspberries swell in the other garden—and cry for weeding, mulching, and tying up. We picked strawberries Friday evening, and the children helped. They helped cap some, too. I chocolate-covered a few quarts, and made another few into strawberry Danish for Sunday lunch, and took a few in disposable containers to neighbors. Ah, that’s the most fun of gardening—giving away the excess. Mrs. Paylor, a small beautiful white-haired lady smelling of Avon, thanked me most profusely, and said she would make me a shortcake—would I like a shortcake? She uses her grandmother’s recipe.
                How could I refuse?
                Saturday was comfortably busy, with cleaning up the house, getting clothes ready for Sunday, capping berries, bathing children and keeping children happy. And then there was Mrs. Paylor at the door with the shortcake in a covered cake pan, strawberries decking the top in a bed of whiteness. “The recipe calls for meringue,” she said, lowering her voice, eyes twinkling in a shared-secret camaraderie. “But I cheat. I just use”—almost whispering—“Dream Whip.” I gave her another portion of strawberries, and was still smiling when I closed the door on the aura of Avon.
                We had the shortcake for supper and it was delicious. Fresh food, for free—can’t I love summer’s busyness, too?
   Now I have another dish to return. Earlier in the day, I had eyed the stack of empty pans and bowls on the bookshelf in the front room. We had to return these dishes, which church people had brought, full of food, after Stephen was born.
                I don’t like to return empty dishes. I schemed about what I could put in them. Roses, that’s what. At a writer’s meeting in October, every plate had a carnation beside it, in a little plastic bud vase with a rubbery top which kept the water in. I saved the vases to use—and this would be perfect. I could put a single rose into every stack of dishes, and Rachael could solicit the help of one of her friends to deliver the dishes back to the owners on Sunday morning.
                I sent the children to bedward, fed Stephen and laid him on the bed. I had time, I thought, to slip outside before dark and pick those roses. I filled a pitcher with water and grabbed the shears.
                I would wear my black clogs—but I could only find one of them. I went after my boots. They were inside the kitchen door, where I had not left them; we have trouble with Borrowers around here. I love my boots. They are fuzzy inside, and have a wee wedge-heel. I’m too tall to wear much of a heel, usually, but I like to wear heels. Wearing these boots makes me feel as though I can conquer anything. Michael looks at them skeptically, saying someday I’m going to hurt my ankle wearing them—the sole is too narrow.
                Michael was in the garden, planting beans. I waved. Navigating the clutter of bikes and wagons on the driveway, I moved onto the lawn, almost marching, very happy. I love the feel of those boots!
Halfway across the lawn, my narrow heel came down swiftly, sideways on a knot of ground, my ankle turned under my weight, I heard—or merely felt—the small snap of a sudden yielding, and I pitched headlong onto the grass.                
This was what upset me first: I spilled all the water. The pitcher flew from my hand as I fell and there went all that water, wasted.
This was what upset me second: Michael did not see me fall. I hoped he had, that he would cry out to ask if I was okay, and come quickly to the rescue, and make consoling sounds upon arrival. I laid there face down only a moment, and then rolled onto my back and looked in his direction. He was still planting beans. I watched him coming down the row toward me. Anytime now, he would look in his wife’s direction, casually, a hint of admiration in his eyes as he watched her picking roses in the cool of the evening.
Not once. He kept dropping the seeds in the furrow, nearer and nearer, not looking over once. I sat up.
Get over the dramatics, I told myself. Stand. Pick up the pitcher of water, and fill it at the pump—you won’t even have to go into the house for more. You can tell him the story later; nothing heroic about it.
Except that when I moved my foot, I drew in a deep breath and held it, until the pain subsided. Surely I could get up—but I couldn’t. Michael reached the end of the row, dropping beans, and turned to go back, dropping them in, dropping them in. I watched him casually, a hint of admiration in my eyes.
And I thought about what I had said to Abigail, with even more regret.
“Hey!” I hollered. He didn’t hear me. I hated to call him from his work as night fell, but the children were alone in the house, and now it was getting colder, sitting on the ground. I waited till he finished the row, and then I hollered again. This time he heard me, and came.
With his help, I stood, and discovered that if I put my foot down just right, it didn’t hurt at all. But if I tipped it the least bit outward, pain screamed from my ankle. He carried the empty pitcher and I took the shears. I held his arm. I limped—I could not help it. And limping is not fun. I like attention when I hurt, but not constant attention. Limping, when I do it, feels affected; it draws a constant attention to myself that I detest. (There’s a lot to be said for limping; I haven’t the time or energy to explore it now. But believe me, I thought about many aspects this weekend.)
I woke at three Sunday morning to feed Stephen, and could not go back to sleep for an hour. What if my ankle was broken and I had to wear a cast all summer? I wouldn’t be able to get out of gardening—I would garden anyway; Michael would expect me to if I could at all manage—and being unable to do it would be the incentive I needed to want to do it. What would my family eat this winter if I didn’t garden? Would I want them eating food others worked for while I sat in my chair? No. This would complicate things. What would I do? Why hadn’t I been thankful for my good health? For being able to walk freely, confidently, in boots or out of boots?  
By daybreak Sunday, my ankle was swollen—not much, but a little—and hurt, especially after use. Mostly, I was wary of carrying Stephen while I walked, lest my foot let me down, as sometimes happened. Michael took all the children except Stephen and Laurel to church, and Rachael delivered the dishes empty of all but good intentions and little notes that said “Esther,” “Luella,” “Bethany,” “Jeanine,” and “Rosalie.” Laurel and I played half a game of Scrabble; I put ice on my foot for a while in the afternoon, and by evening, felt much better.
As of Monday morning, I have decided my ankle didn’t break; I only sprained it. There is still some swelling, and a bit of tenderness, but I have a little more range of movement in my foot, allowing me to walk more easily, and even go down the stairs one foot down and then the next foot further down, instead of with the toddler method of one foot, stop, bring next foot to same level.
I see I will not, after all, be able to get out of gardening this summer. Just my luck, to be laid up over the weekend and feeling better by Monday, I would have thought last week—but this week, after yesterday’s pain and that (abominable) limping, I am absurdly grateful.
Lord willing, I get to garden this summer! I was out with Michael and my sister-in-law, picking berries at dawn this morning. Now I have the 16-18 quarts to cap. I might pray while I do it. My prayers will be thankful ones—I have work to do, and the health to do it.
Remind me of this in August.

Sheila J Petre
Our May: watching tadpoles and water plants swell in a gallon jar on the kitchen counter; treasuring the fragile moments of Stephen’s newbornness; eating the last of the peas…green beans…and raspberries in the freezer; counting the days till summer vacation and fresh peas…raspberrries…and green beans; flinging open the windows to Spring

The Five Worst Foods for Arthritis

5. Gluten (Fibrin)

4.  Processed Food (French fries, corn, soybean, omega-6....)

3. Blackened and Barbequed Foods (Grilled foods - blackened)

2. Nightshade Vegetables
Potatoes, Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplant

1. Sugar
Cookies, candy, ice cream ......

Precious Gems

Ruby's (5) description of how the eclipse will happen today... (in a very excited voice)"He (God) is going to take the moon, and place it over the sun without His hand even getting burned!!!" 
She said, "I found this frog in the pool filter and I kissed it and it didn't turn into a prince...what a rip off!"
Read about Miriam and Moses' trust in God for devotions tonight....after the pharaoh refused to let the Israelites leave Egypt and all the water turned into blood, the land filled up with frogs and gnats and the hail killed all crops.  I asked the girls, what do you think they were going to do?!.....
Lindsey: (raising her hand) Easy. Frog legs and leftovers.   

Preparing for Hurricanes

by Debbie Klinect -- Used by permission

Do you know what season this is?  If you said "summer," you are right.  But that isn't the season I am referring to.  It is officially hurricane season.  Yesterday it rained off and on all afternoon and evening.  I decided to watch the evening news to see what the weather man was going to tell me about the rest of this week and it was more of the same.  Apparently there is a disturbance in the Gulf of Mexico causing all of this and it will be here for a few days.  He said that the hurricane center is not calling it a depression but they are watching it to see what is going to happen.  This brought to my mind a conversation that my husband and I had a few years back and so I thought I would take this time and share our conversation with you and what has come out of that conversation. 

Like so many Floridians, a few years back I had a very cocky attitude about hurricanes.  Living in the Orlando area, I just didn't see the reason for all the fuss - we never get hit by hurricanes here.  I have experienced a hurricane before in September, 1979 - Hurricane David.  We were in Merritt Island when David hit the Cocoa Beach area.  I was 5 months pregnant with our first child.  My husband, Kurt, decided that he had heard enough and we sat down for a serious talk.  He wanted me to understand that it was a fact that we, in Central Florida, would probably never get hit by a hurricane. 

BUT, we had other serious issues of concern.  Winds from the hurricane can be over 50 miles an hour as far inland as we are AND hurricanes are famous for spawning tornadoes.  We live in an area with many old oak trees and with winds at that speed, that was a great concern.  Also tornadoes cause so much damage, taking out homes, power lines, and busting water lines.  So even though we don't live on the coast and have the potential of hurricane damage, we do need to be wise and prudent. 

That year I got out the hurricane check off list and went shopping.  I took $5.00 a week from our paycheck and bought canned and boxed goods one week, disposal dinnerware and things another week and so on.  Hurricane season is from June 1st through November 30th so I had many weeks of collecting things.  If we were blessed to not have to use the food items I bought, we would donate them to the homeless shelter here in town during their Thanksgiving Food Drive.

I'd like to share with you what we have done over the last few years.  We have a hall closet that we have dubbed the Hurricane Supply Closet.  We don't use the entire closet, just the bottom floor area.  Like I said, starting the beginning of June, I start purchasing items from the Hurricane Supply list put together by Channel 9.  We get paid every other week so I take $10.00 out of that money and get canned and boxed goods and batteries, and whatever else is on that list.  Coming out of our paycheck like this isn't the big blow that it usually is to people who are running to the grocery store to get whatever they can when they hear a storm is on the way. 

Another thing we have done is when we are finished drinking our milk and large bottles of juice, I immediately clean out the plastic container and fill them 3/4 full of water.  We have a water purification system in our home so we fill the jugs with purified water.  I then put these containers into my freezer.  This way we have lots of frozen jugs of water that can be used for drinking.  They also act as ice packs for our coolers when we need to keep perishable foods cold.  Over the years I have come up with recipes that would be good food for my family and also something that can be stored well.  Just going out to buy canned goods isn't any good if you don't have a plan for them.  I'll include my recipes at the end of this article for you.

 Being a homeschool mom I got to thinking about how the hurricane season could affect my homeschooling.  As far as school goes, I am one of those moms who likes to have all her ducks in a row at the beginning of summer. I know what books I'll need and what we will have on hand.  Since there is still the possibility of us in the Central Florida area having to go to a shelter of some kind I decided that I needed to have a homeschool moms supply list.  I presently homeschool two lower elementary children but have also had high schoolers in the last few years.  Through much sitting, pondering and prayer I found a solution to this potential problem.  I have a medium sized suitcase with wheels.  I looked at our school books and supplies that I had on hand for the upcoming school year and decided to go ahead and pack everything in this suitcase.  This way I could take it with me and not worry about having to replace anything if we had to evacuate.  My reason for this was to not have that added expense of having to replace everything. I also have an old diaper bag that I have kept from our last child, that I fill with small travel games, coloring books, colored pencils, plain paper with clip boards, and some fun books to read.  This would be used to keep my kids occupied.  I don't let them pack electronic games because these take batteries that might be needed elsewhere.

Tips on Saving Time and Money:
* Start to buy things from the check list a little bit at a time.  A downloadable guide can be found at
* If your child is in diapers or pull ups, start to put aside a few of those each time you purchase a package of them. This way you won't have that huge expense if a storm is on the way.  Stock up on extra formula.
* Clean out your old milk jugs and large juice bottles.  Fill them 3/4 full and freeze them.
* Buy an extra pound of ground beef when you are grocery shopping.  Brown it and freeze it.
* Look at your school supplies and have them in an area where you can grab them quickly if needed
* Fill an old diaper bag or back pack with games, coloring items, puzzles and paper and have it in an area where you can grab it quickly
* Make sure that you have an ample supply of needed medicines on hand.  Stock up an extra month's worth if you can.
* Keep your gas tank about half full at all times.  Those gas lines are horrible if you are trying to get gas in order to get out of town and it won't cost you as much to fill your tank.
* Start to put away two or three dollars a week in a Hurricane Cash Can.  Money is always needed at this time and you might not be able to get to the bank to get the cash you need.  Purpose not to spend this money until hurricane season is over. 
Hospitality - It is not healthy, nor is it thinking of others to have the attitude about hurricanes that I once did.  I have come to learn that not only is it a good idea to be prepared but that the Lord could use me in the lives of others during this time.  Several of our friends and family live along the coast of Florida and there are times that we have extended the invitation for them to come and stay with us when a storm seems to be approaching their area.  Opening our home that the Lord has given to us has been a huge thing for our family.  We LOVE having visitors!!  To help with sleeping arrangements, we have purchased a couple of full sized blow up mattresses and since we have 8 in our family, we have many sleeping bags.  If in the event that a family needs to stay with us, I do request that they bring their own pillows, since we don't have an abundance of those.  If your house has five bedrooms like ours does, or it is small and has three bedrooms, the Lord can still use you to have a safe refuge for those needing it.  Be in prayer about what the Lord would have you to do to keep your family prepared and a refuge for others who may need your help. 
Recipes - In One or Two Pots
If you have frozen meat in your freezer, you'll want to use this meat up first.  Here are a few recipes for your frozen meats.  I'll add meatless recipes afterwards.  We have a camping cook stove with propane cans that we keep ready during hurricane season.  
Chili and Brown Rice ~ Two cans of spicy chili beans, two cans of Great Northern Beans, one large can of diced tomatoes, one pound of browned ground beef.  Put all this in a pot and cook over medium-low heat.  In another pot, boil two cups of water.  When water is boiling, add one cup of brown rice.  Cook covered for 45 minutes on low heat.  Serve the chili over the rice to make a filling dinner.  Feeds 6
Spaghetti ~ Cook a 16 ounce box of spaghetti according to directions on the box.  Drain the spaghetti and add a pound of browned ground beef and one or two cans of already made spaghetti sauce.  (I use canned during this time so we don't accidentally break any jars). Feeds 6.  Serve with any bread you have available.
Autumn Chicken ~ Brown chicken breasts in a little bit of oil. When browned on both sides, drain off the oil. Put chicken back in pan and top with a can of green beans (that has been drained first) and a large can of sweet potatoes (drain half the liquid first).  Cook for 30 minutes over medium-low heat.  Serve with any bread you have available. 
Beef and Broccoli ~ Slice roast beef into strips and brown in a little bit of oil.  Add two cans of tomato soup, 1/3 cup soy sauce, 1/3 cup vinegar, 1/4 tsp. pepper, 1 1/2 tsp. garlic powder, stir well.  Add the broccoli flowerets and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring often.  Serve over brown rice.
Black Beans, Rice, and Chips ~ In a pot, bring two cups of water to boil.  Add one cup of brown rice, cover and cook on low heat for 45 minutes.  In another pan, brown chopped onion, diced green pepper along with 1/4 tsp. of cilantro and 1/4 tsp. cumin.  Add two cans of black beans and one can of corn, drained.  Stir and cook over medium/low heat for 20 minutes.  When the rice is done, put a small pile of it on a dinner plate.  Top rice with black beans.  Top this with salsa.  Eat with Taco Chips. 

Cowboy Soup ~ In a large pot put a large can of diced tomatoes, small can of tomato sauce, four cups of water, two cans drained potatoes/green beans, two cans drained corn, 1/4 tsp. garlic powder, dash of pepper.  Cook over medium/low heat for 30 minutes.  8 servings.
Brown Rice ~ My friend, Lois Breneman, shares that you can cook up the brown rice ahead of time and freeze it in portion-sized bags.  That way it is already cooked and all you need to do is warm it up a bit in your skillet or microwave if you have power.
Some Canned Goods and Staples I Also Buy ~ Campbell's chunky soups, Ramen noodle soups, tuna, Ravioli, peanut butter, honey, crackers of all kinds, dried fruit, bagels, canned nuts (unsalted), juice in boxes, snack bars (Balance Bars, Cliff Bars from health food stores).  Add to this list whatever your family likes.