Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Precious Gems

by Phyllis, my mentor for many years, whose Bible study I benefited by in so many ways for many years.  She also taught Good News Clubs and Five Day Clubs during those years that she was ministering to many of us young mothers.  Now in her mid-80's, Phyllis is still teaching children to story of Jesus, continuing to use the Child Evangelism Fellowship materials.  She recently told me that she has decided to dedicate the rest of her life to reaching boys and girls in our city with the gospel of Jesus Christ!   She is an amazing woman, and still going strong for God's glory!  What an example!

Here are a few kids' quotes she gave permission to share:

My son, a teenager at the time, was riding in the car with me one day. He noticed I had been more irritable and touchy lately and he asked me with great concern if anything was wrong.  Speaking of hormones, I explained, "Well, I'm going out of what you are going into!"  He thought for quite a while and then said, "Well, Mom, I sure hope you get over this metamorphous soon!"  I agreed, saying, "Me too!"

My five year old grandson and I were riding home from a Good News Club we just had.  He said to me, "Grandma, I have a question for you!  I know all about what Jesus did, but tell me - what does God do?"  I explained to him, "Well, God is Jesus' Father and He's the One that tells Jesus what to do!"

When I was disciplining my six year old daughter, I said, "Young lady, you just sit here for a little while!"  She was not very happy about it at all, though she did sit down.  Then she looked up at me and said, "But Mom, I'm still standing up on the inside!"

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