February, 2006
Just a reminder that this is the LORD's newsletter. He deserves all the glory for any good that has come out of Heart to Heart, and I am just thrilled to be used of Him in this way! So any glory that seems to go to me in any of these messages below, please direct it to the Lord, Who deserves all the credit! I am simply enjoying the blessings from it all! It is my joy and privilege to send the Heart to Heart Newsletter to you, and I can't wait to meet each one of you in Heaven some day, if not here on earth!
Just a reminder that this is the LORD's newsletter. He deserves all the glory for any good that has come out of Heart to Heart, and I am just thrilled to be used of Him in this way! So any glory that seems to go to me in any of these messages below, please direct it to the Lord, Who deserves all the credit! I am simply enjoying the blessings from it all! It is my joy and privilege to send the Heart to Heart Newsletter to you, and I can't wait to meet each one of you in Heaven some day, if not here on earth!
Thank you so much for ministering to my heart through your newsletter. This particular newsletter which consisted of the following messages: A Momma's Trust, Housekeeping and If I Had My Life to Live Over brought me to tears. Today had been an extraordinary day and it had left me drained and empty. The input from other women and scripture inspired and encouraged me as your newsletter often does. I am sure that the amount of time and energy that you put into this newsletter cannot be measured. Nevertheless, I need to let you know how valuable it is to me as I am sure it is to so many other women. Thank you so much for caring and sharing the love of Christ. - VIRGINIA
I have been enjoying your newsletter and really appreciate all your encouragement and all the work you put into it! I am the president of my Local MOMS Club and was wondering if you'd mind if I shared your time saving tips with these moms as we are all at home moms who like to squeeze our dollars. I was talking to another friend of mine who is in another moms club and she asked about it as well. - PENNSYLVANIA
I was forwarded your email newsletter by a friend. We are both Hospice nurses. I would very much like to receive your monthly newsletter. A special friend called me recently, troubled over not being able to forgive someone for a terrible evil. Your message on obtaining the taped message on forgiveness was perfect timing. Thanks for sharing sooooo many things. - VIRGINIA
As you can see, I am receiving your newsletter and love it! I am going to use the sugar/soap and pepper object lesson in March when I have Kids Klub again. Elizabeth Elliott basically told me I was old -10 years ago (I was 34). I was blessed to be able to go to her 2 day seminar and as she was speaking she was going over the Titus passage and said something like "now you older women, oh say, 30 years old or more...." Imagine my shock thinking I was still a younger woman! I still feel young and in need of mentoring! So thank you for providing such a blessing in the form of a newsletter. - MARYLAND
I have been receiving your newsletter for about a year and enjoy it immensely. This year I have volunteered to be in charge of the newsletter for our MOPS group. Quite often I find an article in your newsletter I would love to share with my MOPS moms. One that struck me in particular was last week's article and I would like to have your permission to reprint that for our newsletter. I really appreciate your help as this is my first year in this position. - NEBRASKA
I am really enjoying your newsletters! Thanks for sending them to me ... there is so much info that I need to copy them and start a file. I am the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) mentor at our church, so would you mind if I pass them along to interested mothers? I think some of the moms would really appreciate receiving them. Just let me know. - VIRGINIA
I have been receiving your newsletter for about a year and enjoy it immensely. This year I have volunteered to be in charge of the newsletter for our MOPS group. Quite often I find an article in your newsletter I would love to share with my MOPS moms. One that struck me in particular was last weeks article on how much it costs to have children. I would like to have your permission to reprint that for our newsletter. Also, if I find articles in future issues, how would you like me to ask permission for them? I really appreciate your help as this is my first year in this position. - IOWA
I want to thank you for adding me as a new subscriber to you newsletter. I just received the first one (Welcome Letter), and it already is a blessing to me. I am interested it organization, how to save money, and encouragement as a stay-at-home-homeschooling mom. Thanks again for providing this newsletter as a ministry without charge. May the Lord bless you. - GEORGIA
Upon reading your newsletter, I knew this was what I needed! Thank you so much! - ALABAMA
You have no idea how much you help. Sometimes it feels like you are writing just to me. I've had a very difficult year, and your messages are ALWAYS timely, and have a message that I need to hear. Don't ever doubt for a minute that God isn't working through you. You have been an absolute blessing. - PENNSYLVANIA
Thank you for subscribing me to your newsletter. Wow! You certainly jam-pack mega information into each one! God Bless you for heeding to God's call. - OHIO
(Articles about campouts and hurricanes were included in this newsletter.) You covered just about everything but earthquakes and terror patrol. Good job! - CALIFORNIA
I appreciate you and your desire to "make a difference." Only God will know the impact of your efforts. Thank you! - COLORADO
Wow!! What a lot of great ideas for organizing! I intend to put a couple of your ideas to use right away. I can use all the help that I can get when it comes to topics that revolve around the Christian home. - WASHINGTON
Just want to sat "Thank You" for all the hard work you put into the newsletter! It is so refreshing to find it waiting for me...especially after a rough day! Our house is the house where the neighborhood kids love to play. I love it but some days...it is trying! Your letter always seems to come at the right time! You are a blessing to me! PENNSYLVANIA
Just wanted you to know I appreciate your dedication to mother's and to all the hard work you have put into these newsletters over the years. Only in glory will you know the outcome of this ministry.- VIRGINIA
Thank you for your dedication and the sound biblical advise you present in this newsletter. I have often found it not only beneficial, but uplifting. Continue in His service as it becomes us all. - OREGON
I absolutely love getting the newsletter and I'm able to share it with many friends who don't have e-mail! - VIRGINIA
Just a note to say how very much I enjoy receiving your newsletter. When I see I've gotten an email from you it brightens my life. Thanks for the wonderful service you offer to so many that mean so much! - MISSOURI
Yes my two sisters have both stated they would love to get the newsletter. In fact they have both seen copies while visiting and couldn't put it down. Your ideas are so awesome and practical!! I will be somewhat sad to hear from you only every other week. However, I can't imagine the time and amount of work it takes to weekly put it all together and send it out. I'm just grateful I am on your receiving list and will anxiously await it each month! - VIRGINIA
I really enjoy your newsletters. The 7/14/05 one was the first one I read. When I came to "Legacy of an Adopted Child" tears came to my eyes. That poem is so beautiful. I'm going to put a copy in my daughter's scrapbook. She is from Korea. Thank you so much for providing such an uplifting newsletter. - ILLINOIS
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