Wednesday, July 27, 2016

How to Overcome Disappointment

Used with Permission by Caroline from Dallas, TX
at In Due Time

We all get disappointed, right? It might be over something minor like canceled weekend plans, but other times it might be much larger like waiting four years to have children. Either way, have you been disappointed lately? I know I have on several various occasions and if I were completely honest those feelings as of lately occur monthly when I realize once again, I am still not pregnant. But, regardless of what it is or what you are facing, I am sure I am not the only one who faces disappointment, right?

So what happens when you become disappointed, but don’t take action to process those feelings? Disappointment can certainly open up an opportunity for the enemy to use your open wounds and frustrations and encourage you to believe lies instead. He will do whatever it takes to encourage you to build a case against God. When disappointment overwhelms you, you might be tempted to blame God, but remember it’s the last thing you should do. It gets you nowhere, right? Actually, it’s the worst thing you can do!

So what should you do? I have listened to this quick sermon by Bill Johnson 10-20 times over the past week and I love the actions Bill gives when one is facing disappointment. First up? Get honest with God. It’s always good and important to be real with your feelings, but make sure it’s a productive process and not a time to complain and whine. After all, your feelings are valid and God already knows what you are feeling so share the raw thoughts you are having. After you release all your thoughts to God try to pinpoint what brought on those feelings. When you do, renounce any lie or negative spirit you have believed, and close the door to the enemy. This action will break off any attack of the enemy and open the communication lines with God.

Remember if you are in conflict today the problem is not with God so don’t approach him with accusations, but approach him as the faithful Father that he is. Don’t become offended by focusing on what hasn’t happened, but trust that despite what happens that disappoints you, God is still good! No matter how hurt or down you are, make sure you seek a heart of praise and continue to declare his goodness to be true.

Disappointment will come. It’s inevitable, but when those feelings come, don’t focus on what God hasn’t done, but choose to focus on what he has done. God wants to redeem and heal every situation, so no matter how much it might sting now don’t waste a day without having hope of healing and restoration. Don’t focus on all the let downs of your past because God can turn your circumstances around in a minute. Get with God and ask him to guide you through letting go of the past disappointments as he blesses you with an abundance of hope for the future.

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