Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Homemade Chapstick Recipe

by Lois Breneman - 2015 - Revised 2016

Many of the brands of chapstick, even those bought at a health food store, often contain soybean oil, which is a cancer-causing substance, so I wanted to avoid products that use soybeans in making a homemade chapstick.  As often as I use chapstick, it's good to know that all these ingredients are completely healthy and safe to ingest.
Recipe for Chapstick
3 Tbsp. bees wax
1 Tbsp. shea butter
2 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 Tbsp. jojoba oil
1 Tbsp. lanolin
1 Tbsp. vitamin E oil
20 drops of any combo of therapeutic essential oils

10 drops orange and 10 drops lavender; 
10 drops melaleuca and 10 drops orange;

10 drops orange and 10 drops bergamot; 

or 20 drops of one essential oil)

5 drops helichrysum, optional

Melt bees wax, shea butter, and coconut oil in a double boiler. Add jojoba oil, lanolin, and Vitamin E along with the essential oils of your choice.

Carefully pour melted ingredients into clean chapstick containers.  I used a teaspoon to transfer the liquid.

All of the essential oils mentioned in the recipe are therapeutically safe to ingest if using the brand I use, as well as a few other brands.

The convenience in making this recipe is that if you don't have enough empty chapstick containers, you can save your liquid, which will become solid, for another time.  I suggest saving it in a glass container so when you want to remelt it to pour into additional chapstick containers, you can.  Products with essentials oils should be stored in glass containers anyway.

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