Friday, October 25, 2013

Moms: You Are Building God's Kingdom

by Kari Kampakis© - Used by permission
"Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise." - Andy Stanley

Lately, I haven't felt very productive. In fact, for multiple nights I've gotten in bed and realized I didn't accomplish half of what I planned to that day.

As a mom, I've learned to come to peace with these days. I've learned to feel good about unproductive days if the reason I'm unproductive is because I'm caring for my family. It's taken me a long time to get here. I'm a hard evidence kind of girl, after all. When I work hard, I want proof.

But what proof remains when we love our kids in ways they care about? When we tuck them in bed at night... read with them...listen to their with homework...go to special school events....take them to dance and gymnastics - is there any evidence after the fact? The reason we moms discount what we do is because many of our best contributions vanish into thin air. When they're over, they're over. We can talk about them, but often there's nothing concrete to point to.

What we need to remember is our efforts do have proof, proof that gets planted in a hidden place: the hearts of our children. That's where the seeds we instill take root and grow - first into acorns, and then, miraculously, into oak trees. It takes many, many years for an acorn to become an oak tree, but that's how the kingdom of God works. In due time and often invisibly.

So next time you're wondering what you have to show for your life, or feeling incapable because you can't manage a simple to-do list, ask yourself this: Have I loved my kids today? Is the reason I'm behind because I took care of more important business? If your answer is, "Yes," pat yourself on the back. Go beyond feeling good about your day and feel PROUD because you helped build the kingdom of God.

Any day you do that is an official success. Any day you do that is a reason to celebrate.


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