Monday, October 22, 2012

Cold and Flu Buster Tonic

by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - 2012
Revised 2016

This stuff really does work!
Put equal amounts of the following immune-supporting ingredients into a blender and give it a whirl:

jalapeno peppers
Blend with plenty of apple cider or apple cider vinegar.  The apple juice will give it a better flavor.  Blend well and pour into a glass jar.  Fill the jar with apple cider.  Let set on the counter for 2 to 4 weeks, shaking every day.  Open the lid every day as well, because pressure builds up inside.  Next bottle it, and refrigerate.  It keeps for a very long time.  No mold dares enter that concoction!  I froze some as well for later.

But what we did-----was to use it right away, and that worked great.  Some say to strain it, but I just put it all in the blender to use as is.

If you feel the cold or flu coming on, take a teaspoon or tablespoon of the tonic in a small glass of orange juice, apple cider, or water.  You can take it as often as every hour.  It works, especially if you begin when the symptoms appear!

When I first made this tonic, we didn't have time to let it set for two weeks.  My husband felt like he was getting a cold, so he took it several times a day for two days and his cold disappeared like magic, saving him lots of misery!  I haven't needed to take it yet, but will if the need arises.

Someone I know also eats ground horseradish at the first sign of a cold of flu, and that works as well!  Whatever works!

Additional notes:
More recently (2015) I made a tonic of only equal parts of raw onion, garlic, ginger root, and Bragg organic apple cider vinegar in the blender.  I used 1 tablespoon of this tonic in a glass of orange juice or apple cider (not vinegar).  This was done 3-4 times a day to knock out a scratchy throat that was just beginning.  It was completely gone the next day!  

I know that eating too much sugar the week before resulted in the scratchy throat!  I rarely eat sugar, but gave in to my sweet tooth.  

Sugar definitely breaks down the immune system!  I've been off sugar now for almost a year again and haven't been sick, even while being around others who had been.

Stay well, everyone!

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