Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Encouragement to Those in Any Ministry

A Encouraging Message from a Long-time Subscriber South Africa - Used by permission 
Thanks again for writing, Amanda!  Others are also most welcome to drop me a few lines.
Hi Lois,
I originally signed up for this newsletter years ago because of the lack of “older women” to teach us “younger women.” Well, a few years have passed and I am now teaching some younger women.
Just to encourage the missionary folk or those thinking of missionary work:
I am a South African, born and bred for 13 generations on this soil.  And though my skin isn’t black, I am as African as my roots.
If it wasn’t for God’s grace and for American missionaries that came to my country, I might never have been saved. Or my husband, or my 3 children, or my parents, or my siblings. Or the (I don’t know how many) people we have reached out to in 25 years of doing evangelism, children’s work, preaching (my husband), teaching at Bible colleges (dh again), personal discipleship… the list goes on.
This is because there were ordinary folk that left their families, friends, churches, homes, jobs, and country they love. They were willing to give many, many years of themselves.  Not always did every disciple turn out strong. Not always did they see the fruit of their labours.
But just to let you know: “… your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
I, for one, am the fruit of your labour, and my family, and the thousands of people we have reached through the years. Without being clichéd, I can truly pray, God bless you!
Amanda from South Africa

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