Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dirty Laundry / Laundry Tips

Author unknown - Story sent by Barbara Campbell in Mississippi, including her comment below
A young couple moved into a new neighborhood. The next morning while they were eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbor hanging the wash outside.
"That laundry is not very clean," she said. "She doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap."
Her husband looked on, but remained silent.
Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments.
About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband, "Look, she has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this?"
The husband said, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."

     Funny, but as I read and chuckled at this, it brought to mind this verse... "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Luke 6:31.  

     I wonder how often I look at someone else and see their dirty laundry without realizing what I am really seeing are my dirty windows?

Oxiclean is still my favorite remedy for removing stains by soaking stained clothes or linens.  This works great for removing baby food stains and countless other stains.  You can read more on the container.  It even removes many old stains that have gone through the dryer.  It's a good alternative to using bleach, because it can be used on colored clothes as well as whites.  Another good reason is that bleach no longer splashes onto the clothes I am wearing, causing white marks!  Look for manufacturer's coupons before buying, and combine with a store sale for the best savings.
Separating Clothes Hangers while they are hanging on a rack isn't always so easy, especially when using just one hand, while the other hand is holding a shirt that needs hung.  The hangers are usually overlapping, making it hard to get them apart. I've found that putting several hangers on the washer lid or any flat surface makes it so much easier to grab just one at a time.  They separate automatically!  Try it!  
Hanging Knit Shirts on Plastic Hangers rather than on metal hangers seems to prevent poking out the fabric at the shoulder.

Diluted Fabric Softener in a Spray Bottle saves so much time!  I like to spray shirts and other wrinkled garments with this solution while on the hanger. The wrinkles instantly fall out with a shake of the hanger or by swatting the dampened garment with your hand. I know most women no longer iron much or at all, and this tip may be helpful, plus the fragrance is a nice bonus. I always buy liquid fabric softener on sale and also use a coupon to save.  Also Kroger doubles coupons of 50 cents and under.  Many times a garment can be worn more than once, but it is wrinkled, it's a good idea to keep a spray bottle of diluted fabric softener in your bedroom closet to give an outfit a spray after it's worn.
Homemade Laundry Soap ~ If you have trouble finding Fels Naptha bars of soap, Arm and Hammer Washing Soda or Borax at your grocery store, try Walmart.  Even after I asked our Kroger manager and staff several times to please stock the shelves with two of these products, they are never on the shelves. This week I found both at Walmart for less the cost.  The Fels Naptha was 30 cents a bar less at Walmart.  For the homemade laundry soap recipe go to   You can make a dry version or a gel, both of which will save you money. The gel costs only 3 pennies per load, and that's with using more soap than the recommended amount!  These recipes both work well in high efficiency washers as well (very low suds).

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