Saturday, July 11, 2020

Lesson from a Puzzle

by Sue Huey
Used by permission

This is probably my favorite puzzle we have done so far. Puzzles come in assorted sizes and take different lengths of time to complete. Sometimes they're fun, sometimes they're when the last piece is put in, the puzzle is finished. And so it is with our lives. Some are longer than others, and we all face  frustrating times, sometimes they're boring, sometimes they're challenging. But one thing they all have in common is that when the last piece is put in, the puzzle is finished. And so it is with our lives. Some are longer than others, and we all face challenges. But one thing is certain; one day the "last piece will be put in place" and our life will be over. But the difference between our life and a puzzle is that we don't know when ours will be finished. Our Creator has the Master Plan and we can't see it from our side. And so, we must be ready.
The first Mother's Day I spent without a mother was 1985. My mom had passed away just a few weeks earlier, and to us, it seemed she was gone too soon. It was sad and it was difficult, but I remember being so excited for her because her cancer was gone and I knew she was in the presence of her Savior. We knew her faith and trust was in Christ alone and it gave us great peace and joy. Do you have that peace?
John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by me.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
If this were your last day, would you be ready to face eternity? We need to believe in Jesus and receive him as our Savior so we can become a child of God.  And if you are ready, tell your loved ones, so they will be able to have peace when your last "piece" has been put in place. Have a blessed day!

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