Monday, August 22, 2016

Precious Gems

Compiled by Lois Breneman
Thanks to the ladies who allow me to include their children's precious quotes and actions!

Olivia (6) was so precious this morning. We had a lighter "school day," so I was letting the girls play while I was trying to get some cleaning done. Some days I tire easily (expecting 4th child) and today was one of those days. I would work a little bit, then sit down. Livy could tell I was tired so she came and offered to mop the floors for me, then she said, "Mama, can I vacuum? I'd love to vacuum!" Then she proceeded to vacuum cheerfully. Also, yesterday we started reading out of her "Bible reader" for her phonics lessons. I had prayed so much about using this curriculum because I didn't want her to get frustrated with reading, and thus, have a bad attitude towards the Bible. However, it has had the opposite effect. She is SO excited about her Bible. She wags it around everywhere, she even sleeps with it. :) She begs to read it to me, and wants to learn new words so she can read the upcoming stories. :) I praise God for this sweet girl, and the obvious ways I see Him at work in her life. To Him be glory!!! ~ Lori in Virginia

So it was back to school night for Jacob (14). I noticed as we went into each class Jacob's seat was in the front of the room...being my child I knew exactly why (talking).
As we walked out of the last class I said, "Jacob, you need to stop talking so much."
He asked, "How do you know I'm talking too much?"
I said, "Because you are in the front of every class and you are my child."
We got home and that boy of mine came to me and gave me a big hug and said, "Mom, thanks for understanding." ~ Jill in Virginia

Malakai (8), flabbergasted: "Mom... Is it REALLY true you get paid for your work!?"
Me: "Yes."
Malakai: "So why don't you come home with LOTS of dollar bills!??" ~ Danielle in Alabama

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