Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Recall the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

Used with Permission by Michelle Gill

One day last week I was struggling with letting go of something I have been waiting for from God.  He had shown me and confirmed in many ways that I am to have more children.  I am forty-four years old and the world's ideas about age began to creep in and I am tired of waiting to be honest.  A common battle ensued of letting go and moving on versus believing, waiting, and battling through.

Then I heard this verse:  "Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well."  I Tim. 1:18 NIV

Paul tells Timothy to recall to mind the prophetic words spoken regarding him.  This can mean a promise God has given you or an actual prophetic word spoken over you that He has confirmed in your spirit.  First, recall it.  Remind yourself of it.  Then use it by fighting the good fight with it.  Believe. Stand firm.  Speak it.  Pray it.  Battle.

The following verse says that many have shipwrecked their faith by not standing firm, stepping out of the battle.  Waiting is a battle.  Believing when we can't see it is a fight.  It would be much easier to let go.  He has spoken to me to believe Him for a larger family.  He told me to buy a painting of a little boy and girl playing by the sea when I first lost my husband.  To me it made no sense at all but I did it purely out of obedience.  It hangs in my bedroom still.  He has given me confirmations time and time again.  Yet I still wait and it is easy to get used to the life you live and lose the want altogether.

My desire a long, long time ago was that my life would show that He still answers prayer on a regular basis and works in mighty ways in our ordinary everyday life.  I first heard of George Mueller, who fed ten thousand orphans through prayer only in his lifetime, as a child.  His reason for opening the orphanage was not primarily to feed and shelter orphans but to show the church that God indeed answers prayer, provides, and is the only answer we need.  So he never asked for money or provided it himself.

God is faithful.  Faithful to the ordinary everyday person.  He is faithful in the smallest needs and the largest.  He has extraordinary plans for your ordinary life.  So instead of letting go of His word to me, I let go of my reasoning, my waning desires and passion, and I recall His words to my mind and fight the good fight of my ordinary day.

I will report His extraordinary fulfillment to you when it comes.  So be watching for Him and may my life be an encouragement to you to believe and trust Him for your ordinary life. 

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