Saturday, January 2, 2016

Living Intentionally

by Michelle Gill -
Used by permission

The one thing that I am focusing on for this new year is living with intention.  Time passes and tasks get done and events come and go - all the while there are things and ways of living that I would like to incorporate into my life.  It will never happen unless I choose to live life intentionally, on purpose.

One of my desires is to start my day full of His Spirit.  Then to hear Him throughout the day, every day instead of just when I have time.  That will only happen on purpose.

I would like to live a life of noticing people and investing.  I tend to rush around trying to get things done and avoiding what may take my time for someone else.  I don't want to live another year and look back wondering what a life lived out is supposed to look like.  Investing in others is a goal.

I encourage you to examine your thoughts with intention.  Is your thinking TRUTH or just another Christian cliche?  An example of a cliche that burns me up is "He will not give your more than you can handle."  Where do people get that?  He says He will provide a way of escape from temptation, that is usually the verse they point to if they have to give a verse to back it up.  I have been through plenty I could not handle. Thank God that He could handle me.  Intentionally examine your thinking and fill it with truth.  I have been learning this for several years now and realize how much flows from the way we think and what we believe.

I want to intentionally see my daughter, Casi, and watch her heart growing.  I want to hear what people are saying to me when they are speaking, the way they want to be heard.  I want to learn to create a garden and preserve food.  I want to be intentional about what I eat.  I want to move my body throughout the whole day.  I want to create the art that I see in my mind.

Intent takes time and thought but it brings a richness to life that we would ordinarily just be flying by, if we didn't choose to slow down.  It enables us to actually hear His Spirit.  He has created us to be creative like Him.  He has created us to invest in Him and others.  Live this year that He has for you with intention, on purpose.  Live intentionally.

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