Saturday, October 31, 2015

Fabric Acorns

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Are these not the cutest little acorns EVER!!!
I absolutely LOVE them and think they are so much FUN!
They're perfect for fall, but I also think you could tie a cluster together and hang as a Christmas ornament, or tie a few to the top of a gift, or how about threading one on an autumn necklace for a little girl... so many possibilities.

They're so little and cute and bright and exciting... and I wish a had a whole bowl of them just like this one! Sadly, I wasn't the one who made them and therefore don't have any.  BUT, Lisa, my sister, was nice enough to share her photos and tutorial with us. Thanks, again for sharing your crafts Lisa!
Here are her fabulous instructions for anyone with half the patience she has.
I made a template, and cut out the fabric.  (My template was 1 3/4 inches from top to bottom tip and
 1 3/4 inches across at its widest point.  The size of the acorn all depends on the size of the hats that you find though.)  You need 2 pieces for each acorn.
With the right sides together, sew 1/4 inch seam around the fabric leaving the top open (straight edge open).

Flip the fabric right side out (seam is now on the inside) and baste around the top.  Leave the strings long enough that you can get a good grip to tie them closed later.
Fill the acorns with stuffing, pull the basting tight and tie off the tops.  The tighter you stuff the acorn the less puckers and gathers you will have at the top. (I think its cuter that way.)
Using hot glue, glue the acorn hats on the top of the fabric acorn.
Before I used the acorn hats I put them in hot soapy water and let them soak for about an hour.  Rinse them off and lay them on a towel over night to dry.
Thanks so much Lisa! You're amazing!

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