Friday, July 3, 2015

Precious Gems

Compiled by Lois Breneman
Thanks to all the moms who allowed me to include their children's quotes in Heart to Heart!
I love the sweet time at the end of our day. We all pile into Peyton's room (mostly because it's gated) for our devotions and prayer time. Logan (7) asked to pray tonight (a first for him!!) and this is how it went:
"Dear Jesus, Please make it be sunny tomorrow. Today was too much rain, and I want to swim. Please help MawMaw's foot to get better. Help us to be good and not fight, and to be nice to each other. Good luck, Jesus!"
Oh how I love his precious heart! Had to stifle a giggle though as he closed his prayer with "Good luck, Jesus." ~ Amanda in Virginia
At a beautiful outdoor wedding last night with the cicadas buzzing away. They paused and about the time the bride and groom were starting to exchange rings you could hear the buzzing start up again. Malakai (7) whispers loud enough for those around us to hear: "NO! Don't do it!!"
Unfortunately, those guests didn't realize he was talking to the Cicadas... Not the bride and groom! ~ Danielle in Alabama
A conversation with my twelve year old while on a bike ride through the soccer fields (next to where they have filled in our city pool):
Ella - Someday they will be turning this land into an industrial complex, and while they are digging, they will hit concrete and say, "Wow! I think this is a pool. They used to use these before the IPod 60 could regulate the humidity around you to feel like you are in water." ~ Beth in Ohio
The boys were playing with blocks yesterday and I was down the hall listening to them. Jeremiah (3) hums or sings constantly. It's like he has his own soundtrack playing in his head so yesterday I couldn't help but smile when he broke out it with "God's not dead! He's surely alive! He's living on the inside roaring like a lion!" ~ Heather in Virginia

Our memory verse for today is, "Be nice to one another without grumbling or complaining." One of our five-year-olds said, "Be nice to one another without crumbling or playing." ~ Elizabeth in Virginia
Backseat conversation. Amiya (7) making up a story about a Queen (lives in Alabama) who had 3 sets of twins.
Malakai (7): "Whhhoooaaa that's a WHOLE lot of child birthing going on!" ~ Danielle in Alabama
So we're driving down the road and my daughter is remembering the wreck we were in a year ago, and we are talking how the firemen come every time you wreck. She remembered that when she was crying the firemen comforted her and said it was okay to cry. She then asked me, "Well, since he was so nice, should I marry a fireman?!" ~ Jessica in Virginia

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