Friday, June 26, 2015

A Child's Sand Art -- A Lesson in God's Intricate Design

by Tiffany Bowles - Used with permission

My son, Sam,
and his sand art!  He is just awesome!  I had no clue that as he was running around with this stick and his little brother, Dillon, was chasing him that it was turning into a picture.  I thought Sam was just running around making lines for Dillon to run on...but he had a plan and a design on his mind...and it was cool and fun.  

But to compare it to how God has a plan and a design, and to remember that we run circles and chase lines and we have smiles and falls and waves that wash away our lines...He still has a plan...a very big plan and a design that is much bigger and far-reaching and intricate than we can imagine.  He is the one who can take our lines and our washed-away efforts and dreams and our crumpled up selves and He makes us into something beautiful for His glory.  He is so good.

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