Monday, October 20, 2014

Precious Gems

Thank so much, ladies, for your permission to include these cute quotes from your children and grandchildren! ~ Lois
Me: "Hey Gabe, your sisters aren't here so we can hang out and talk."
Gabe (16): "Talk about what?"
Me: "I don't know.... Nothing in particular."
Gabe: (walking downstairs to his room) "Okay, well text me some subjects when you think of some." ~ Sarah in Georgia

Annalise (3): "That funder scared me half of death!" ~ Elaine in Virginia

So my mystery of what's behind the yellow spot-stains on a load of clothing that came out of the wash...2 year old, Madison's broken yellow crayon that she threw in the "trash"- also known as the laundry hamper. ~ Lauren in Virginia

Amiya (6): "Mommy, how long is Fa-gust Day?"
Me: "I've never heard of that day."
Amiya: "You know, it's like August, September...when all the trees change colors and the leaves fall down." ~ Danielle in Alabama

Brooklyn (4): "Mommy, Harper (1) try to bite you! I'll punch her in the face."
Me: "You'll do what?!?"
Brooklyn: "What? It's okay to punch people in the face if they try to bite your mommy. That's the only good reason. And in football." ~ Lauren in Virginia

Amiya (6): Can you believe this Bible has a page, ''How to use this Bible?'' But I already know how to use it, you just open it up and start reading! ~ Danielle in Alabama

My favorite conversation today with one of my boys (while teaching) --
8 yr old: "Mrs. Williams, guess what? I'm going to play football! There are so many risks...I could even die!"
Me: "Wow. Are you sure it will be worth the risks?"

8 yr old: "I'm sure. Girls always like football players."
...Glad to see you've got your priorities straight, kid. ~ MarySusan in Virginia

I must admit it's slightly embarrassing when my three-year-old calls me grandma in public!! ~ Sarah in Virginia

Coming out of a heavily air conditioned church Amiya (6) says: "Brrrr we must be getting closer to Antarctica!"

Dad to the son: What did you do to my iPad?
Son: I updated to the new software.
Dad: What made you do that?
Son: I thought it would be a cool update.
Dad: Don't do that!  Now I have to relearn everything. What are these tips for?
Son: They help.
Dad: These don't help me! They hurt me! ~ Darlene in Thailand

Malakai (6) watching noodles boil on the stovetop: "It looks like little monster meat popping up, or a lot of octopus legs!" ~ Danielle in Alabama

One special memory (for my birthday) was my almost 2 year old granddaughter on Skype, clapping and singing "Happy birthday to you, E-I-E-I-O." ~ Sue in Georgia

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