Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Plot Your Course When Shopping Yard Sales

Used by permission from

Second hand shopping can save you money when you only pay a fraction of the cost of an item. Some sales only have junk or overpriced items. How can you be sure you are getting the best deals for your money?
Plot your course, don't waste gas driving around - Get your newspaper listings or check the online listings in your area and grab a map so you can strategically plan your course. You can pin point where you think the good sales are and determine which to go to first then move from one to the next.
Learn where the good spots are - some areas just seem better than others for sales. Ask around and see if others you know have experience in where to find the good stuff and which places to skip.
Know your prices- Get familiar with the brands, prices and quality of things you like and need. If you know what the stores around you are charging for items, you are less likely to be taken in by a bad deal.
Don't buy what you don't really want or need - Just because it's a dollar and maybe someone could use it doesn't mean you should buy it. Know what things you really need and want just like when you grocery shop with a list. Impulse buys are easy to do when you see so many things at such low prices. Save yourself money and don't buy on impulse.
Bring supplies! - Bring bottles of water or other drinks, snacks and handy wipes or wet cloths so you don't have to stop for refreshments or to clean your hands.

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