Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The 14th Anniversary for "Heart to Heart" & Subscriber Comments

Yes, it has been fourteen years ago since "Heart to Heart" began with only four subscribers in February of 1999!  The Lord has blessed this ministry and the newsletter reaches many ladies of all ages in all fifty states and sixty-two countries.  I give Him all the glory, and will continue as long as He instructs and enables me.  The blogs for "Heart to Heart" reach even more people who tap into the ministry from that means of technology.  I am able to see the locations of those who visit the blogs, and find it quite interesting when I have time to check.


They have been in operation for two years, but I keep hearing of subscribers who have never seen them.  Let me invite you to take a look!  With everything categorized, it is easy to find what you're looking for now.  Please feel free to scroll down to the very end of the blog if you'd like to see my photography, which I enjoy doing so much!

A Subscriber Comment about the Blog Ministry from Sharon Bachman Taylor in Maryland:
Your blogspot,, is just fabulous!!!  And I know it took an incredible amount of time and perseverance to complete it and get it up and running. Thank you for taking the time to make it happen. What a treasure of info, encouragement and art. Your photography is incredible!  Keep it up, as you are a blessing to many women, which in turn is a blessing to their husbands and children.  Praise the Lord!

Used by permission from each of the following ladies
from Vicki Spurling in Louisiana:
     This note is just to say THANK YOU!!! Thank you for all your hard work, your sweet spirit and what a wonderful blessing and encouragement you've been for me over the years.
     My daughter and I can't wait to sit down every time I get your Heart 2 Heart newsletter and we read the whole thing! At one sitting! :-) I've saved every one of them.
     I just wanted you to know how much you are appreciated and what a blessing you are to those of us that look forward to seeing your newsletters in our inbox.    
     Praying God continues to bless you, as you bless others in His Name.

 from Tracy Coupe in Ecuador:
I wanted to thank you for the love, time, and obvious prayer that goes into each edition of Heart to Heart. What a blessing you are. I love reading the articles, stories, kids quotes, recipes, and yes -- even the info about coupons I cannot get or use. :)  The Lord always uses something in each issue to touch my heart, challenge me in my daily walk with Him, encourage me in a discouraging moment, or just to remind me how much I am loved. Thank you for ministering ... to me, and to so many others.

from Beth Breon in Pennsylvania:
     I just wanted to let you know I am soooo thankful for you & your ministry!  You have been a continual encouragement to me over the years & help!  I mentioned several years ago that I was going through a time of great anxiety, which for one who has always had a “carefree” spirit, was quite a surprise.  The Lord is bringing me daily through this dark water.  I do not savor the thought of continuing this experience or going through it again, but I can truly say, if it meant I would know Him like I know Him now, to be so confident that my prayers are going directly to my Almighty’s Throne of Grace & to truly know my Savior lives, then I would do it all again.  Several years ago, I asked Him to teach me that He was all I need.  Through these rough waters, He is teaching me that!  He is an Amazing & Gracious Lord.      
     Anyhow, your emails & notes have been such an encouragement & sometimes were what He used to keep me going one more step.  I know this sounds terribly drastic, but when the blackness of anxiety sets in…it can be completely overwhelming.  Sometimes just reading your notes gave me hope of a happier time & knowing the Lord was working in the lives of women across the world & He was working in mine, too.   I will continue to pray for you & your family.

from Melody Jeffrey in Virginia:I am so blessed by your newsletter. Thank you for serving in this ministry to help so many of us with your scripture quotes, recipes and tips for making our homes a peaceful place. Your Sister in Christ

from Ruth Brown in Florida:
     Yes, keep me on your email list -- definitely!!!  I would rather receive 2 copies than no copies.  Even though I am a 73 year old grandmother, I just love your hints & suggestions to today's younger mothers, and all your recipes are so good, and some are even "to die for"!!!
     AGAIN,  PLEASE KEEP ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST!!!  I've enjoyed each and every issue for the past several years, and hope to enjoy future issues as much or more!!!!
God bless you as you keep His name and His love in each issue.

from Vickie Butterfield in Idaho:
You are doing an awesome job!!! I personally love the links for further information. That way I can click on the links I want, and skip the rest without paging thru so much.  I enjoy your newsletters and you've printed a couple of things I've submitted and it was fun to see myself in print :) Keep up the good is inspiring.  God's blessings

from Susan Brown in Kansas:
I enjoy your newsletter every time you send it.  I find inspiration, good ideas, and a few giggles in every issue.  I believe I would appreciate it even if I were able to access only partial information.  I am happy to accept even the morsels.  You continue to be a blessing to me.

from Kim Umphress in Texas: 
     I have received your newsletter for many, many years, but have failed to let you know how much I enjoy each one!  Thank you for the time and effort that you put into each newsletter - the encouragement, stories, recipes, craft ideas - are a true blessing and enjoyable read!  "Heart to Heart" is definitely an appropriate title for what transpires every month!  Thanks again and God bless you richly!

AND NOW BEGINS THE 15th YEAR!  May the Lord be glorified in each issue as well as on the blogs!

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