Sunday, July 29, 2012

Natural Insect Control to Spray around the House

That time of the year is fast approaching when spiders and their webs will be found in abundance in and around many of our homes.  Master Gardener, Jerry Baker, suggests a natural way of getting rid of these nasty critters.  He says to get a package of chewing tobacco and soak it in a gallon of boiling water until it cools.  Strain the liquid into another container or small bucket. Fill a hose-end sprayer with a cup of tobacco juice and 1/2 cup lemon dish washing liquid and spray around the outside of your house.  
You might want to shop for chewing tobacco when you won't be seen by friends and neighbors though - maybe early in the morning.  :)  A long time ago a neighbor saw me when I bought several packs at our local drug store!  I don't know if she actually saw that I bought chewing tobacco, but if she did, I am sure she knew that neither my husband nor I would chew that nasty stuff!  She was my Avon lady, and is in heaven, and I'm sure she knows the real truth now for sure!

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