Monday, January 17, 2011

Camping Tips

Last year we took a trip out west to Wyoming with our camper, and here is something I did that worked out well for everyone.  I made so each person had a different color bath towel; there was no fuss over who used which one, etc.  It's just a little thing, but it sure helped!  I  took a lot of fresh food along for the first days driving out; then on the way home I had canned food or things like macaroni, etc.  We spent very little on food, mainly on ice, water and drink. ~ Regina Landis in Pennsylvania
Before going camping, cut up steak or chicken breasts and marinate in a Ziplock bag in a cooler with ice.  Put meat on sticks and roast on a grill or over a fire.  Hobo dinners are great too, cooked in foil. Grease the foil before adding non-greasy meat, sliced potatoes and sliced carrots.  Salt, pepper, and seal the foil before baking over a fire on a grill (about 30 - 60 minutes or until the carrots are tender).

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