Friday, January 21, 2011

Precious Gems

I had to share this quote from Drew, our 3 yr old.  I was walking around the house looking for my husband (who had slipped over to neighbors house without me realizing it.)  As I was searching, I was calling out "Honey!?...Honey?"  Drew started to help me look, then stopped me and said so matter-of-factly..."Mommy, you need to call him Daddy.  Honey is for eating on toast."    Ha!  I love it when the Lord gives you a moment like that!  Kids are great! ~ Thanks to Jen in Indiana for sharing this quote!
Our 3 year old grandson, Justin, got a hermit crab at the beach, with a shell in his latest very favorite color - orange.  He was so excited about it and named him Marshmallow, but sometimes also called him Crabby.  Justin held him very still in the little cage on his lap all the way back to the beach house, and talked and sang to him.  He loved to watch his orange Marshmallow crawl around on the floor.  Yesterday on the phone I asked Justin how Marshmallow is doing.  He told me he went to the big sand castle in the sky (as his daddy told him).  That's right, he died.  Our daughter told me how she and her husband gently told Justin that his crab had died.  When he heard the news, he had such a perplexed look on his face for a little while, then it left as suddenly as it appeared as he said, "I need a snack!" ~ Lois

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