Saturday, January 22, 2011

God's Yellow Pages / Fragrant Recipes for the Home / Household Tips

Just click here for God's answer to your problems: God's Yellow Pages


Creative Home Arts Club -

Here's a fragrant potpourri recipe for every season!  

Spring Citrus: Lemon-scented geranium leaves, lemon verbena leaves, mimosa flowers, myrtle leaves, grated peel of two lemons, orris root powder, citronella oil, rose oil, geranium oil.

Summer Rose: Dried rose petals, dried marjoram, dried lavender, pepper berries, crushed dried orange peel, orris root powder, rose oil, lavender oil.

Spicy Autumn: Dried apple slices, rose hips, star anise, cloves, juniper berries, sweet gum balls and bark, pine needles, red peppers, cinnamon sticks, oak moss, assorted seed balls and pods, allspice oil.

Woody Winter: Cedar twigs, cedar bark shavings, sandalwood shavings, orris root powder, cedarwood oil, sandalwood oil.

Fresh Smelling Moth Repellent ~ Make to use in your own home and also give as gifts.  If your grocery store doesn't have all these herbs, try your health food store. 

1 cup cedar shavings (found in the pet department)

1/2 cup each of lavender blossoms, tansy blossoms, and minced lemon peel

1/4 cup each peppermint, pennyroyal, orris root and whole cloves

10 broken bay leaves as well as broken cinnamon and peppercorns

Stir well and add 5 drops cedar oil, 4 drops lavender oil and 3 drops lemon oil.

Cover tightly for two weeks, package in small wool or flannel bags, and tie with ribbon.

Unwrapping Bars of Soap ~ Linda Bahn in Pennsylvania reminded me of this tip worth mentioning again.  Unwrap bars of soap and store them in the linen closet in an open container or in your drawers for a fresh smell.  This dries out the bars of soap, makes them harder and the bars last longer.  A good way to stretch those dollars!

Securing Aluminum Foil and Plastic Wrap ~ Linda Crosby in Virginia shared how to do this.  On both ends of boxes of aluminum foil and plastic wrap, there are tabs to press in to keep the tube from falling to the floor when you pull on the roll.  It might say, "Press here to lock end." Great tip to know!  

Quick Fix for Skin Irritations ~ I keep lavender essential oil handy in a kitchen cabinet in case skin discomfort or irritations.  Just one drop brings instant soothing.

Under-the-Bed Storage ~ Make use of the "free space"
under beds, by storing things in "Under-the Bed" storage containers.  If they won't quite fit under a bed, elevate the bed with four small blocks of wood, maybe 1 3/4 inches.  My husband custom made four blocks for me with a little hole drilled in the top of each block to fit the furniture glide (little round button) into the hole to keep the bed from moving off the blocks.  We might as well make use of that free space!

Keep a Record of Items Stored under the beds and elsewhere.  I simply drew a diagram with rectangles for each storage container and listed the items in each container.  Keep the diagrams in a specific location where you will remember!  It's helpful to have one copy kept near the storage items and another copy filed in an organizational notebook or file.  

Sweet Smelling Sneakers ~ Wad up newspaper pages and stick them inside smelly tennis shoes and leave in overnight to absorb odors.  Teach your children to do this themselves.

Grill Cleaning ~ After using your grill, allow it to cool down a bit.  Wet newspapers thoroughly (a thickness of about 10 pages) and close the lid to the grill.  Leave newspapers inside overnight.  In the morning, the grill will be easy to wipe clean. ~ Ruth Ann Assaid in Virginia

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