Friday, January 21, 2011

A Fun Family Devotional Idea to Use with Children

by Lois Breneman, © 2006, Heart to Heart

Did you know the original Play-Doh just turned 50 years old and is still going strong?  Most of you moms probably grew up with Play-Doh yourselves and I hope you are still going strong, even at 50 years of age!  Here is a short version of a great homemade playdoh recipe, that I think lasts even longer than the store bought, as long as you wrap it well in plastic wrap when your children are finished playing.  Why not try it today?  Then talk together about how God is the Potter and we are the clay.

Homemade Playdoh
1 cup flour  - 1 cup water   - 1 Tbsp. oil  - 1/2 cup salt  - 2 tsp. cream of tartar  - food coloring 

Blend in blender.  Cook about 5 minutes in a Teflon pan sprayed with Pam.  Let cool.  Wrap well in plastic wrap and it will last a long time.  If it dries a bit, just add a few drops of water and work into the dough.  Does not need refrigerated. 

It is fun to make blue, yellow and pink.  Then mix colors to make orange, purple and green.  Coconut or peppermint flavorings may be added for fragrance.  Another method of adding color and fragrance would be to add Kool Aid. In fact, I think that's better than drinking it.
Family devotions do not have to be held in a living room or family room setting each time.  Deuteronomy 6:7 instructs parents to teach their children about the Lord diligently, as we go about our entire day - when we sit, when we walk, when we lie down and when we rise up.  That about covers all of life! 
Children often seem to learn better in a more relaxed setting.  Why not sit around the table together as your children are molding playdoh to form snakes, balls and animals, and talk with them about clay in the Bible.  Explain how we should be willing to be molded and made into whatever God wants us to be, as in the song, "Have thine own way, Lord.  Have thine own way. Thou art the Potter.  I am the clay.  Mold me and make me after Thy will, while I am waiting, yielded and still."  You could sing that song together until it is written in their hearts. 
Here are other scriptures to talk about as they play quietly and listen.  You may want to cover them all in several sessions:
Job 10:9 - Thou hast made me as the clay
Job 33:6  I am also formed out of clay
Psm. 40:2  Out of the miry clay
John 9:6  Jesus made clay and anointed a blind man with it.
Romans 9:21  Power over the clay
Additional scriptures: Isa. 29:16; 41:25; 45:9; 64:8; Jer. 18:4

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