Thursday, January 20, 2011

Precious Gems

We know the excitement of getting a present - we love to unwrap it to see what is inside. So it is with our children – they are gifts we unwrap for years as we discover the unique characters God has made them. -- Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.

        Yesterday our 6 year old Morgan said to my husband Sam, "Daddy, I have two words for you - hand some" (said with much exuberance).  She obviously has great taste and like her Momma thinks Sam is one handsome man! ~ From Melissa Adams in the Czech Republic

        Ladies, have you heard how payday is sometimes the only day a wife tells her husband how handsome he is?   It's when he brings home his paycheck and she says, "Hand some over!"  Let's not let that be the case in our homes!

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