Friday, January 21, 2011

You Are the Apple of God's Eye

by Debbie Flack in Virginia - Used by permission 

            'Keep My commandments and live, and keep My law and teaching as the apple ( the pupil) of your eye." Prov. 7:2 amp.
            We instinctively protect our eyes. We shield them from too much sun with sunglasses.  If sand, or some irritant, is blowing toward us, we guard our eyes with our hands. God wants us to be that protective over His word in our lives. The word of God should be the center of our focus. As we daily meditate on God's word, it is deposited into our spirits and builds faith.
            "...keep my words, lay up within you My commandments, ( for use when needed), and treasure them." Prov. 7:1 amp.
            Our loving, heavenly Father guards, protects, shields and treasures us, His beloved children. We are the center of His focus.
             "For thus said the Lord of the nations who plundered you - for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of his eye." Zech. 2:8amp.
             Wow! I love that! As God's children, he who messes with us, messes with the apple of God's eye! Another definition of "pupil" is: the little man of the eye. When we look into someone's eyes, we see our reflection in their pupils. Since we are made in the image of God, when people look at us, they should see God's reflection in us.
             "Keep and guard me as the pupil of Your eye, hide me in the shadow of Your wings."  Ps. 17:8

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