Thursday, January 13, 2011

Writing God's Law on Our Hearts

by Sharon Jaynes,, Copyright 2006, Used by permission

I used to walk around the neighborhood and see signs that read, "Dog contained by invisible fence." Actually, I thought it was a joke. But after we got a dog, I learned about this incredible invention, and decided to have one installed.

The fence company dug a narrow four foot deep trench around the perimeter of our yard and buried a small wire. This wire was attached to a control box mounted on our garage wall. Ginger, our golden retriever, was then fitted with a collar sporting a special little box with two small prongs that rested against her skin. The dog trainer then placed white flags all around the yard, marking where the underground fence was buried. As Ginger neared the flags, she heard a quiet warning sound clicking from the box. If she kept going and crossed over the boundary marked by the flag, she got a shock and came back.

Now before you get upset about Ginger getting a little shock, I have to tell you, I let them shock me first. It wasn't painful, but I did not want them to do it again. For twelve years Ginger crossed over the invisible boundary only twice. Once when the fence wasn't working properly and once during her sixth week of motherhood to escape her seven nursing puppies.

If you ride by our house today, you don't see any white flags decorating the perimeter of our yard. So, you might wonder, how does Ginger know where the boundary is? It is simple. For the first week, white flags lined the boundary of our yard. On the second week, I removed every other flag. On the third week, I again removed every other remaining flag. And I continued removing flags, until eventually, they were gone. We don't see the flags, but Ginger remembers where the boundaries are. She also learned that the warning clicking sound was her friend and kept her from getting in a “shocking” situation.

I've realized that the flags are a great picture of the boundaries we set for our children. When they're young, we mark out clear boundaries, and as the child matures into adolescence, we begin pulling up those flags, just a little at a time. As they graduate from high school and move into college, most of the flags marking the boundaries are gone, and we pray with all our might, that they remember where those boundaries are.

Just like when Ginger hears the warning sound when she move too close to danger, I believe that the Holy Spirit taps on our children's hearts, and warns them not to cross the boundaries set by their parents. Sometimes they will proceed and cross the boundary anyway. That's when the shock comes in. It might be in the form of discipline and it might be in the form of living with some very unpleasant consequences.

In the Old Testament, God wrote the Law or the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone, but in the New Testament, He wrote the Law of Love on our hearts. Isn't that our prayer? Yes, we have to spell out the boundaries for our children and point them in the right direction. But as they head off to adulthood, we desire that the boundaries will be written on their hearts and they won't find themselves in shocking situations.

And what about for our own lives? Yes, God has set boundaries for us, just as we have set boundaries for our children. When we make a decision to cross those boundaries, we will also find ourselves in some shocking situations.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you that you set up boundaries for us in Your Word. Just as we set up boundaries for our children for their protection, you set up boundaries for us, Your children, for our protection. Lord, we pray for our children. We pray that they will not forget the boundaries from Your Word that we have laid out for them. We pray that as they leave the nest and fly off to places beyond the safe boundaries of home, they will remember the teachings they have heard. Thank you for Your Holy Spirit who is always with us to prompt us, convict us, warn us, and empower us to turn from situations that would take us from the safe boundaries You have marked out for us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Sharon Jaynes is a Vice President of The Proverbs 31Ministry and co-host for the ministry's international radio segments, heard on over 400 radio outlets.  She also is a feature writer for their monthly newsletter, The Proverbs 31 Woman, and inspirational conference speaker for women's events from coast to coast. For more information about The Proverbs 31 Ministry, visit or

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