Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thoughts on Potty Training from a "Heart to Heart" Mom

by Angela in Virginia
I guess I would tell other Moms not to panic if the child doesn't act like cousin so and so says they should.  RELAX.  I got pretty stressed out a couple times because I was being told certain things, but every child is different and it takes some longer than others and different styles for different kids. 

Yes, it would definitely help if there was a sure-fire method for getting it over with, but the pay-off for the wrestling period is worth it all.  We were sick of buying pull-ups and finally gave up on them and just did panties and cleaned up.  After a few dirties the little lady decided she had had enough of that and started going on the potty.  Whew!  I think the pull-ups are just as bad as leaving diapers on the child.  At least it is for mine.  One more to go and a BOY this time.  What an adventure that will be!

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