Monday, January 17, 2011

Precious Gems

The other morning, a while after she was dressed, my daughter Sierra, age 3, noticed that her buttons weren't closed in the front.  She exclaimed, "Hold it!  I didn't strap my body yet!" - Lorene in Pennsylvania - mother of 2

We were complimenting our 2 year old grandson, Jubal, on what a good meal he had eaten.  He is a very good eater.  I told him that his tummy was so big, that it looked like there was a ball inside.  He looked at his tummy and pulled up his shirt and cried, "Get it out, get it out!!!"  We all laughed and then explained that there really was no ball in his tummy. - Elinor in Virginia

         This morning when I turned on the computer I received my good morning email from my daughter, Christa, from a way down in Mexico.  Grandchildren expressions have to be among the top joys in my days. I don’t want to miss out on a one of these priceless moments.
        The email went like this: This morning at breakfast, Kassie (6), who is passionate about life, was declaring that she wants lots of babies when she grows up, and she wants twins, and just lots of babies.  Alyssa (4), Kassie’s no-nonsense sister, in her monotone voice responds to her sister’s whimsical notion, “I want ONLY four babies and I want them to come ONE at a time!”
        “I Just died laughing,” Christa writes.  Then Kyle (7), the spiritual, somber one states, “When I grow up I really want to be a missionary.“
        From the other end of the table, Dylan (3), who is completely zealous shouts, “I'm gonna be a COWBOY!” ~
Donna in PA - website:

When my grandson, Justin was four he reported that he needed to read all the books about trains, before he becomes a conductor, and can tell us minute details we never heard of about trains.  Of course, now at age five, he's deep into fire engines, says he wants to be a firefighter and his favorite color has just become red!  Boys are such exciting and boundless joys!  ~ Lois

Austin continues to add laughter to each day. He recently celebrated his 2nd birthday and we gave him a bird feeder. He loves to watch the birds flock to his little feeder. But when he rushes to the front door to see them, excitedly yelling "cheep, cheep" (his blend of chirp and tweet) they do tend to fly away! ~ Linda in Pennsylvania

Although our ten month old granddaughter has never been given chocolate yet, she found a wrapper from a miniature dark chocolate nugget, and her mother saw her sucking the life out of it!  She is normally extremely happy and content, and rarely ever cries, but her mother said when she took the wrapper from Ryan Elizabeth, she cried as though she had been physically hurt!.  I guess that means there's another potential chocolate lover in the family! ~ Lois

Upon discovering her first gray hair one mom immediately wrote to her parents, "Dear Dad and Mom, You saw my first steps. You might want to experience this with me too."  She taped the offending hair to the paper and mailed it.  A few days later she received the following response, "Thank you, but I just want you to know that this is not the first gray hair you've given us!"
~ From Biblical Parenting Update -

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