Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Help Cut Down on the Mosquito Population / Repelling / Natural Oils / Itch

by Lois Breneman - 2003 - Heart to Heart

Moms, do you ever have trouble finding jobs for your children to keep them busy and learn responsibility at the same time?  Here's one!  Especially now that the West Nile Virus is a serious problem, we need to take measures to cut down on the mosquito population.  Deborah Taylor-Hough wrote the following information as a letter.  Her complete bio is at the end of the next article.

The first step in avoiding mosquitoes getting the bite on you - and your family - this summer is to eliminate the local mosquito population at its source. Mosquitoes use stagnant water for their breeding grounds, so drain any collections of stagnant water found in your yard, neighborhood or workplace.  Also keep your eye out for these frequently overlooked locations of standing water:

·         discarded tires
·         roof gutters clogged with leaves or other debris
·         rain barrels
·         wading pools
·         drainage ditches
·         paint buckets
·         watering cans
·         tin cans
·         paper cups or other discarded trash
·         trash containers
·         infrequently used yard equipment
·         plant containers
·         bird baths
·         broken toys
·         pet water bowls
·         holes in tree stumps

If your kids want to play in their wading pool, be sure to dump the water out at least once a week and turn the pool upside down when not in use so rain doesn't collect in it. And if you want to keep your birdbath and pet's outdoor watering bowl, be sure to clean out the water at least two times each week. If you have an outdoor fish pond with goldfish or amphibians, the mosquito larva will be eaten by the fish so you won't need to drain the fish pond.

Copyright 2003 Deborah Taylor-Hough
Used with permission.  All rights reserved.
(Note from Lois: Avon has several safe and effective insect repellents without Deet.)

        With the advent of mosquito season, many people are feeling concern for more than just the annoying itchiness of a bite or two.  Worries about West Nile Virus -- and other mosquito-carried diseases -- are leading many who would normally avoid excessive use of chemicals, to start spraying and slathering on insect repellents containing the chemical, DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide).
        But are there valid, healthier options when it comes to repelling our fine buzzing and biting friends?  You bet! Some ideas for natural insect repellents fall into the category of folklore, myth and urban legends, but other natural remedies can be an effective means of protecting yourself and your loved ones from biting bugs and harsh chemicals.
        Natural insect repellents tend to provide coverage for a shorter time, but their coverage is safer so you may find it worth the extra effort applying a bit more often.  Most natural repellents only offer about one-tenth of the protection time found in DEET-containing products, so plan on reapplying every 30 minutes or so.  Because of their shorter protection time, natural repellents are ideal for short evening outdoor activities like walking the dog, barbequeing, or watering the garden.
        REMEMBER: Don't spray or apply any insect repellents (natural or chemical) over cuts, scratches, rashes, or other open spots in the skin.  Also, be sure to avoid the eye area when applying repellents.
        The most common -- and most effective -- natural insect repellents are various essential oils.  Clove oil and citronella (rose geranium) are the most effective against mosquitos, but be careful with clove oil and use it sparingly -- it can be a skin irritant.  Other fairly effective essential oils include: Lemon grass, eucalyptus, castor oil, peppermint, tea tree oil, lavender, and cedar.  You can buy cedar oil in spray-on bottles at your local pet store.
        It's important to remember when using essential oils: Don't use them internally!  They need to be used externally on your skin and garments.  Be sure to test any oils on a small patch of skin before applying widely to your body to avoid allergic reactions or skin irritations.
        You can make your own insect repellent sprays by combining rubbing alcohol (or witch hazel or olive oil) with one of the listed essential oils (about 10-to-1, alcohol-to-oil ratio). Shake well before each use.
        To make a lotion, use: 2 ounces distilled water, 2 ounces olive oil, and about 120 drops essential oil.  Put the water into a deep mixing bowl, and using a wire whip, begin beating quickly while slowly drizzling in the olive oil.  After oil is mixed into the distilled water, stir in the essential oil of your choice (citronella is probably the most effective for insect repellent use).
        You can also add a few drops of your choice of insect-repelling essential oils to your shampoo or liquid soap to help counteract the perfumes in these products.
        Keep in mind that the following criteria reduces the effectiveness of all insect repellents:  Clothing rubbing on your skin, natural evaporation, your skin's natural ability to absorb anything applied to it, sweat or rain washing off the repellent, and a windy environment.
        Some folks claim that garlic is an effective insect repellent, but I think it works best for repelling friends (and maybe a vampire or two).
--Deborah Taylor-Hough (wife and mother of three) is the author of the bestselling book, 'Frozen Assets: How to Cook for a Day and Eat for a Month' and the newly released, 'Frugal Living For Dummies(r)' (Wiley, 2003). Visit Debi online at:  Browse her latest book at:
Note from Lois:  Then if those pesky skeeters do get you or your family, try these remedies to help ease the itch:
·         Hold a hot washcloth on the bite for a minute.  Repeat several times, keeping cloth hot.
·         Coat the bite with Maximum Strength Oragel – This was my husband's idea and it helps!

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