Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fun Craft Activities for Kids -- One Even Teens May Enjoy

While your children are home over vacation, why not have some special fun times with them, doing a few of these crafts from Kidsolutions? Even teens would have fun painting the windows with a Christmas message.

Bubble Art

This is a great project for the kids. Remember to cover your table with newspaper! (Note from Lois: If your young child uses the straw, be sure he/she knows how to blow out rather than suck in!)

2 tablespoons tempera paint 1 tablespoon clear dishwashing liquid 1 cup water aluminum pie plate or deep dishes plastic straws white paper Mix the tempera paint, water and dishwashing liquid well. Pour mixture into pie plate or deep dish. Stick one end of the straw into the paint and blow until you have big bubbles. Carefully remove the straw and gently lay a sheet of white paper onto the bubbles. The bubbles will pop and make neat designs. Lift the paper and let it dry. Did your bubble make a design you can recognize? Does it look like a dog or fish? Outline the designs and add details (like eyes or noses) with markers or crayons. Hang for everyone to admire!

Window Paint

Ever wonder how stores and supermarkets get those neat paintings on their windows? It's really very easy and a great project for kids. Let them paint the kitchen window or design their own masterpiece for their bedrooms. It's safe, fun and washes off with a dry or damp paper towel. Have fun!

1/2 tablespoon powdered tempera paint 1 tablespoon clear dishwashing liquid muffin tin lined with tin foil masking tape old newspapers paintbrushes, Q-tips, sponges
Mix the powdered tempera and dishwashing liquid until creamy. Mix different colors and put into each cup of the lined muffin tin. This keeps colors separate and easy to use. Line windowsills and floors with newspaper and secure with masking tape. This will keep the mess off the floor. Let the kids paint the inside of the window with whatever they wish. Some ideas are below...

Summer flowers
Stained glass
Cartoons with captions
A story, told pane by pane
Handprints (perfect for wee ones)

While in college our dorm rooms had large windows with no dividers. One year my roommate and I painted two girls, looking similar to ourselves, kneeling beside the baby Jesus in the manger, with the scripture verse, "Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift!" If you want to include any writing, remember that you need to paint a mirror image, so it can be read from the outside. We simply used acrylic paints, and it all washed off easily after Christmas break.

Gooey Gunk (Similar to Slime)
from The Ultimate Book of Kids' Concoctions by John E. Thomas & Danita Page
They say: "This slimy, stretchy, goody recipe has become one of the most popular concoctions of all time and kids love it."

Solution A:
1 cup water
1 cup white glue
2 Tbsp liquid tempera paint or 7-10 drops food coloring

Solution B:
1 1/3 cup warm water
4 tsp borax laundry booster

1. Mix ingredients in Solution A together in a medium bowl.
2. In a second medium bowl, mix the ingredients in Solution B together
until the Borax in completely dissolved.
3. Slowly pour Solution A into Solution B. (Do not mix)
4. Roll Solution A around in Solution B 4-5 times.
5. Lift Solution A out of Solution B and knead for 2-3 minutes.
6. Store Gunk in a airtight container or plastic zip bag.

Other ideas: use red liquid paint/food coloring to create Lava Gunk, green to create Slimy Gunk, or black to create Tar Gunk. Have fun!

Karen in Oregon - This recipe is used at the Seattle Pacific Science Center.

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