Monday, December 27, 2010

Precious Gems

Ladies, please continue sharing your Precious Gems, to be included in Heart to Heart!  They don't need to be current quotes.

Regarding exercising, Joshua (9) states. "You mean if I don't exercise, I won't live as long?"  Gracie (7) responds, "Yea, but I look at it this way, Josh!  You get to see God sooner!"  Bless 'em! ~ Penny in Virginia

Jojo (9) was in the bathroom.  Boom (6) teased him by turning off the light.  Jojo screamed.  Boom responded: "Remember, Manong (bib brother), God is with you!  God is with you!"  I love how my children apply biblical truths when they tease / fight each other. ~ Darlene in Thailand

Wanna know if I have a strong-willed daughter?  Gracie (7) to Mom:  "Mama, when I get older and you quit ruling over me, I'm gonna get myself a dog."  She was very sweet and, believe it or not, not the least bit disrespectful. She said matter-of-factly that she will get her very own puppy someday - when I'm not ruling over. :-) ~ Penny in Virginia

I was listening to Joanna (2) sing, "Ha-lu Ha-lu ya! Pray eee oh!"  That's the two-year-old version of "Halelu Halelu Halelu Halelujah!  Praise ye the Lord!"  A sweet, sweet sound! ~ Tracy in Ecuador

This is what my sweet Monica (3) said to me as we were snuggling on the couch this afternoon:  "Mama, you're a lot of beautiful.   When I'm old like you, can I have stretch marks too?"  I love her.  Made my day! ~ Sharon in California

Today as I was getting dresses and fixing my hair and face before company arrived, Boom (6) was watching me.  And in his sweet voice said, "Mommy, you look kind of cute!"  That was enough to put extra bounce to my steps to my busy day today!!!  He and I ran 2 kilometers together this afternoon.  I love that boy! ~ Darlene in Thailand

I overheard Jacob (8) telling his older brother Noah (11) the following, "I think I am going to take that Activia challenge.  It tastes good, anyway." HA! :-) ~ Elaine in Virginia

My husband, Mike, was going over the letters on the fridge with Raylie ( 4), when he asked, Where is the Y?"  I told him I took it off, trying to remove it from her vocabulary -- and Raylie asks, "Whyyyyyyy?" ~ Julie in Washington 

Karis (3) instructed me to shut the door to her room because she and Karlie (20 mo.) are "just hanging out a little" ... not sure if I should be worried or not. ~ Meagan in North Carolina

This isn't a funny quote, but I think it is sweet how my two year old grandson, Daniel, is not demanding.  Rather than saying, "I want to go outside," Daniel will say, "Maybe we should go outside."  "Maybe we should play with playdoh." etc. ~ Lois

These last four gems are from Annetta in Arkansas.  She is the grandma of Jack, Helen and Henry who live in Texas:

Henry (only 3), crying, says, "I don't like naps, they are too boring!"

  My daughter-in-law, Kim, is homeschooling and she overheard this conversation between the two oldest while they were at the table doing homework:  Helen (7) said to Jack (9), "Jack, that is not what I said we had to do.  Did you do "active listening" when I was talking to you?"  

While riding in the car,  Helen (7) asked, "Mom, what are mammals?"  Mom: "Mammals give birth to live young and nurse their babies."  Helen: "Oh, so you and I are mammals, but Daddy, Jack and Henry aren't!"

My daughter-in-law came home from work tonight and saw 3 year old Henry's plate with all of his baby corn still on it.  His daddy (our son, Todd) told me Henry said, "They were too cute to eat!"

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