Thursday, December 30, 2010

Two Object Lessons on Easter

by Debbie Klinect
        This month we are concentrating on Easter and ways to teach our children about the wonderful holiday.  The Lord has been very gracious to us in giving us two ways to show our children what He has done for us. 
        Role playing is a very good way to help a child understand what it is that you are trying to tell them.  When talking to a child about how sin has separated us from God, it can be very hard to communicate this to them.  Here is a way for you to role play this.  Have either an adult or an older child stand on one side of a room.  Have your child stand on the other side of the room.  Talk about how when God created Adam, there was no sin in the world.  Then talk about how sin entered the world.  Now, place a big piece of blue cloth or clothing, like a pair of adult jeans between your child and the other person.  Explain that now, because of sin, we are separated from God.  Also have the other person turn their back on the child for God cannot look upon sin.  Have another person represent Jesus and have this person stand next to the person playing the part of God.  Have “God” talking to “Jesus” saying he wants him to come to Earth to live there, teach the people about God and to die for their sins.  Have “Jesus” come and stand next to your child.  Have “Jesus’ tell your child how much God loves them and that he wants them to be his child and to live with him forever, but that they need to know that their sin has separated them from God and that he (Jesus) is going to die so that they can have their sins forgiven.  Have “Jesus” die after being beaten by your child, for it was because of their sin that Jesus was beaten and died.  Then have Jesus rise up after being dead and lay on the blue cloth acting as a bridge for your child to be able to go be with God.  Explain to your child that Jesus did all this for them and that when we see our need for him and for our need for God to forgive us, we can be reunited with God.
        The next activity is using eggs.  Show your child a regular egg out of your refrigerator.  Have your child look carefully at the outside of the egg.  Then have your child crack open the egg and put the contents into a bowl.  Explain to them that when we are born, we have sin in our lives.  Our hearts are not good, they are filled with foolishness and evil.  Then take another egg and boil it.  Talk to your child about what Jesus did for them.  After the egg has boiled and cooled, have your child crack open this egg.  Talk about how when we come to Jesus and ask for forgiveness and make him the Lord of our lives, he makes us a new creation, different from what we were.  Talk about how the outside of the egg was the same whether or not it was fresh or boiled.  Then talk about how the outside of us doesn't change, but our heart and lives do change when the Lord is our Savior. 
        I hope these activities will help you in guiding your children to an understanding of their lives with God.  

Debbie Klinect is a wife and mother of six children, still homeschooling three of them. 

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