Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Make Your Own More Natural Baby Wipes

Used by permission from Mary Hunt

A recipe for homemade diaper wipes was included in the newsletter before, using baby shampoo and baby wash.  However, this recipe from a reader of Mary Hunt's newsletter, Cheapskate Monthly, is more natural.

My daughter had a horrible diaper rash, and store wipes stung the area. That's when I found this homemade recipe: Saw 1 roll of good quality paper towels in half with a sharp kitchen knife to create two short rolls. Save one half for later. Remove the core from the other half and put it in a container that has a lid that seals tightly.

Mix two cups of warm water with two tablespoons Aveeno Baby Shampoo Relief Creamy Wash. Add one tablespoon of Burt's Bees Vitamin E Body and Bath Oil, and an optional 1/2 teaspoon of Jojoba oil. Pour the mixture slowly over the paper towels so it gets absorbed thoroughly. Seal the container and turn it upside down overnight. It will be ready for use in the morning.  Alexis, Michigan

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