Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ways to Love a Child

Darlene Weber in Thailand says, "This is not my writing. Someone sent this to me back when my oldest son was only a baby. I printed out a copy, laminated it, and put it on my computer table where I could see it everyday. Every so often, I let my boys pick out which one they want me to do for them to let them know I love them. So, to my mom friends, here are Ways to Love Your Child."

Ways to Love a Child
author unknown

Give your presence more than your presents.
Laugh, dance, and sing together.
Listen from a heart-space.
Allow them to love themselves.
Say yes as often as possible.
Say no when necessary.
Touch gently.
Build lots of blanket forts.
Open up.
Fly kites together.
Lighten up.
Believe in possibilities.
Read books out loud.
Create a circle of quiet.
Teach feelings.
Share your dreams.
Walk in the rain.
(or I'll let them play in the water and mud puddles when it rains)
Celebrate mistakes.
Admit yours.
Frame their artwork.
Stay up late together.
Eliminate comparison.
Delight in silliness.
Handle with care.
Protect them.
Cherish their innocence.
Speak kindly.
Go swimming.
Let them help.
Let them cry.
Don't hide your tears.
Brag about them.
Answer their questions.
Let them go when it's time.
Let them come back.
Show compassion.
Bend down to talk to children.
Smile even when you're tired.
Surprise them with a special lunch.
Give them enough room to make decisions.
Respect them.
Remember they have not been on earth very long.

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