by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - August, 2014
The foam cushion on our porch bench needed a
new cover. This is outdoor fabric, and I hope it won't fade as quickly as the previous fabric which was outdoor fabric for creating flags.
This project was a super quick and easy no-sew project.
I simply wrapped the foam cushion
as a package and fastened the fabric underneath with long straight
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Teething Tips for Babies and Toddlers
by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - August, 2014
You might want to print out this article and tape it to the inside of your kitchen cabinet!
Grandmas, this is for you as well, for times when you babysit or have your families visiting.
A screaming baby or toddler, because of teething discomfort, can set the entire family on edge, especially when you can't seem to find anything that eases the gum irritation for your precious little one. Many times rocking, bouncing, walking the floor with him, or diverting his attention just doesn't cut it. Night time teething is especially difficult when the parents often get robbed of their much-needed rest. I saw a cute onsie in a store the other day that said, "Nobody gets to sleep until I say so!" In that case, I'll try to help you fill your teething remedy arsenal with possible solutions.
Diluting a drop or two of clove essential oil with olive oil or coconut oil, numbs the gums, and helps to remove severe discomfort of the gums for babies and children. It works very well for adult tooth irritation as well. Not all brands of essential oils are safe to use internally though. I learned at a health food store that even the brands they carried which say 100% pure are not safe to be ingested. One brand I know that is completely safe to be taken internally, however, is the one I use.
FDA regulations forbid Wellness Advocates or distributors of essential oil companies, as I am, to mention the brand name in their blogs or websites. We also may not mention names of blends by our company! What will the government demand next? So if you want to know specifics, please e-mail me.
Years ago, before I got involved in essential oils, I used frozen fish sticks for my daughter's teething discomfort. That worked great! I was willing to put up with the fishy smell when the frozen fish actually calmed down my teething toddler. It's interesting that she is the one who introduced me to this esssential oil company years later.
Lorna Wanner, a mother of five, in Virginia, gave this recommendation: "I was told of a teething remedy that has proved very effective. Instead of Oragel, rub a small amount of liquid Benadryl on the baby's gums. This worked like nothing else! But what I didn't realize is that it worked for me as well when I had agony with a tooth myself later."
Many moms have found the "Mesh Feeder" to be a wonderful soothing remedy for teething ittitation. Another Heart to Heart subscriber, Lauren Britton, a mother of four in Virginia, says, "A frozen banana in a mesh feeder continues to be THE best teething remedy...4 kids tested - 4 kids approved."
A screaming baby or toddler, because of teething discomfort, can set the entire family on edge, especially when you can't seem to find anything that eases the gum irritation for your precious little one. Many times rocking, bouncing, walking the floor with him, or diverting his attention just doesn't cut it. Night time teething is especially difficult when the parents often get robbed of their much-needed rest. I saw a cute onsie in a store the other day that said, "Nobody gets to sleep until I say so!" In that case, I'll try to help you fill your teething remedy arsenal with possible solutions.
Around three months of age a baby usually begins teething, and by the time he is three years old, twenty baby teeth will have broken through his gums. Ouch! Symptoms of teething are drooling, irritability, loss of appetite, having trouble sleeping, tender gums, and chewing on soft and firm objects. For our babies, I thought the canine teeth were the most difficult. Some babies and toddlers feel teething irritation more intensely, while others don't seem to be bothered much.
Diluting a drop or two of clove essential oil with olive oil or coconut oil, numbs the gums, and helps to remove severe discomfort of the gums for babies and children. It works very well for adult tooth irritation as well. Not all brands of essential oils are safe to use internally though. I learned at a health food store that even the brands they carried which say 100% pure are not safe to be ingested. One brand I know that is completely safe to be taken internally, however, is the one I use.
FDA regulations forbid Wellness Advocates or distributors of essential oil companies, as I am, to mention the brand name in their blogs or websites. We also may not mention names of blends by our company! What will the government demand next? So if you want to know specifics, please e-mail me.
Years ago, before I got involved in essential oils, I used frozen fish sticks for my daughter's teething discomfort. That worked great! I was willing to put up with the fishy smell when the frozen fish actually calmed down my teething toddler. It's interesting that she is the one who introduced me to this esssential oil company years later.
A little soft giraffe was the favorite teething toy for all three of our children - easy to grab onto, and the long neck and head were perfect for gnawing on. Poor giraffe! There are all kinds of teething toys available that can be kept in the freezer for numbing the irritated gums.
Rolled-up wet baby wash clothes, stored in a plastic bag in the freezer, come in handy and babies love chewing on these, even if they don't last long.
Fruit popsicles, either homemade or bought, help numb the gums. Blend strawberries and bananas for natural sweetness without adding sugar. If you need to add sweetness to another blend of fruit, use pure stevia.
Rolled-up wet baby wash clothes, stored in a plastic bag in the freezer, come in handy and babies love chewing on these, even if they don't last long.
Fruit popsicles, either homemade or bought, help numb the gums. Blend strawberries and bananas for natural sweetness without adding sugar. If you need to add sweetness to another blend of fruit, use pure stevia.
Lorna Wanner, a mother of five, in Virginia, gave this recommendation: "I was told of a teething remedy that has proved very effective. Instead of Oragel, rub a small amount of liquid Benadryl on the baby's gums. This worked like nothing else! But what I didn't realize is that it worked for me as well when I had agony with a tooth myself later."
Many moms have found the "Mesh Feeder" to be a wonderful soothing remedy for teething ittitation. Another Heart to Heart subscriber, Lauren Britton, a mother of four in Virginia, says, "A frozen banana in a mesh feeder continues to be THE best teething remedy...4 kids tested - 4 kids approved."
Meagan DeLong, mother of four, also in Virginia, says, "I have used the Baltic Amber teething necklaces with my last two babies and I do think they are helpful, although it is hard to judge perfectly since teething discomfort comes and goes. They are just for wearing, not chewing, and the *succinic acid, a naturally occurring component in amber, is absorbed through the skin. Some moms are afraid to let their babies wear them at night and just use them during the day and that would be the safest, but most moms I know let their babies wear them all the time and I have as well. The sizing is very important. You just have to make sure it is not long enough for the baby to notice to be able to grab or chew. The stones are usually double knotted in between each one so if the necklace breaks, none of the stones fall off.
Meagan adds, "I also use Hylands homeopathic teething tablets and if the discomfort is really bad and I know which tooth it is, I will rub Herbs for Kids Gummomile oil on it, as a natural alternative to Oragel. My favorite teething toy is Zoli Gummy Sticks and I have also used a cold apple, frozen blueberries, and frozen banana in a mesh feeder as well.
Meagan adds, "I also use Hylands homeopathic teething tablets and if the discomfort is really bad and I know which tooth it is, I will rub Herbs for Kids Gummomile oil on it, as a natural alternative to Oragel. My favorite teething toy is Zoli Gummy Sticks and I have also used a cold apple, frozen blueberries, and frozen banana in a mesh feeder as well.
* Baltic Amber teething necklaces are sold by Bouncy Baby Boutique.
They report that it is the succinic acid, a naturally occurring component in amber, that makes it so effective. Succinic acid is a natural teething discomfort reliever, anti-inflammatory, and a central nervous system calmer. It is so effective on babies and small children because it simultaneously eases their pain while also having a strong soothing effect on their nervous system, all with zero side effects!
(New FDA regulations do not allow me to mention the brand of essential oils I use or tell more specifically how they help so many "irritations" or "discomforts" in life, since I am a Health Advocate, meaning I get their great discount. If you would like to know more about the therapeutic grade of essential oils I use and trust, please e-mail me and ask.)
Problem Solved! A New Way to Cook Fresh Eggs So They Peel Perfectly!
by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - August, 2014
For years I have tried various tips for hard cooking fresh eggs to make deviled eggs so they wouldn't look like they had gone through a battle, with much of the egg white peeling away along with the shell. As a result of numerous failed attempts, many of my hoped-for deviled eggs left me with no choice but to turn them into egg salad!
None of these previously tried solutions really produced good results. I have added baking soda to the water, pricked the eggs with a pin at the wider end, and plunged them into ice water before peeling. Well, just today I tried a new way (new to me), and it worked like a charm!
For years I have tried various tips for hard cooking fresh eggs to make deviled eggs so they wouldn't look like they had gone through a battle, with much of the egg white peeling away along with the shell. As a result of numerous failed attempts, many of my hoped-for deviled eggs left me with no choice but to turn them into egg salad!
None of these previously tried solutions really produced good results. I have added baking soda to the water, pricked the eggs with a pin at the wider end, and plunged them into ice water before peeling. Well, just today I tried a new way (new to me), and it worked like a charm!
The Real Solution:
If you have a steamer, you're all set!
1. Run water into the bottom of a cooking pot - one that a steamer fits well.
2. Place the eggs in a steamer, so that the eggs are not submerged in the water, but use enough water so it won't all boil away.
3. Bring the water to a boil and simmer in the steamer for 20 minutes. Set a timer.
4. Remove the colander (or steamer basket) from the pot after 20 minutes, and plunge the eggs (ONE at a time) in ice water and peel.
Thankfully I found my farm fresh eggs peeled to a super smooth finish using this method!
If you have a steamer, you're all set!
1. Run water into the bottom of a cooking pot - one that a steamer fits well.
2. Place the eggs in a steamer, so that the eggs are not submerged in the water, but use enough water so it won't all boil away.
3. Bring the water to a boil and simmer in the steamer for 20 minutes. Set a timer.
4. Remove the colander (or steamer basket) from the pot after 20 minutes, and plunge the eggs (ONE at a time) in ice water and peel.
Thankfully I found my farm fresh eggs peeled to a super smooth finish using this method!
Moving Heavy Furniture
by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - August, 2014
My husband has recently reworking and painted a beautiful heavy armoire recently given to me by a sweet friend. The problem was moving the two pieces from the workshop to the family room, after each piece was reworked and ready to paint in the family room. Then he remembered he could use two 3" PVC pipes to roll each piece to its destination, with just my help!
In fact, he reminded me that the Egyptian pyramids were made by rolling large heavy pieces on wooden rods! While John lifted up the front, I slid a PVC pipe underneath, and another one in the center. He would roll the furniture, and I'd remove the back pipe and place it under the front, until we reached our destination! It worked like a charm!
My husband has recently reworking and painted a beautiful heavy armoire recently given to me by a sweet friend. The problem was moving the two pieces from the workshop to the family room, after each piece was reworked and ready to paint in the family room. Then he remembered he could use two 3" PVC pipes to roll each piece to its destination, with just my help!
In fact, he reminded me that the Egyptian pyramids were made by rolling large heavy pieces on wooden rods! While John lifted up the front, I slid a PVC pipe underneath, and another one in the center. He would roll the furniture, and I'd remove the back pipe and place it under the front, until we reached our destination! It worked like a charm!
and into the house
A closer look at the 3" PVC pipes used as rollers
The lower section of the armoire is already in place.
This larger and heavier section is ready to be lifted in place.
Laundry Tips
by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart
August, 2014 - Updated August, 2016
If You Forget to Remove Clothes from the Dryer in Time and They Wrinkle, there's still hope! Simply place a wet but wrung out towel in the dryer along with the wrinkled clothes, and run the dryer on the previous heat setting for a few minutes. This step will remove the wrinkles.
Untangling Hangers ~ When metal hangers are hanging on a rod, they are often difficult to separate when reaching for just one. I found it works much better to lay a few on the washer or another flat surface. Picking up just one hanger in this way is much easier.
Folding Clothes ~ Let's face it, most of us tire of this never-ending job! So why not sit down to do it? I was taught in Home Management House in college that we should sit down to reserve energy while doing as many jobs as possible. Items like towels, underwear, toddler's clothes can all be done using this method. So sit down and relax, while still getting the job done! I sort out various items on the sofa, then sit down, fold each pile, and return them to the basket to put away. When the children were still here, I'd make piles for them to put away in their own rooms.
August, 2014 - Updated August, 2016
If You Forget to Remove Clothes from the Dryer in Time and They Wrinkle, there's still hope! Simply place a wet but wrung out towel in the dryer along with the wrinkled clothes, and run the dryer on the previous heat setting for a few minutes. This step will remove the wrinkles.
Untangling Hangers ~ When metal hangers are hanging on a rod, they are often difficult to separate when reaching for just one. I found it works much better to lay a few on the washer or another flat surface. Picking up just one hanger in this way is much easier.
Folding Clothes ~ Let's face it, most of us tire of this never-ending job! So why not sit down to do it? I was taught in Home Management House in college that we should sit down to reserve energy while doing as many jobs as possible. Items like towels, underwear, toddler's clothes can all be done using this method. So sit down and relax, while still getting the job done! I sort out various items on the sofa, then sit down, fold each pile, and return them to the basket to put away. When the children were still here, I'd make piles for them to put away in their own rooms.
Stack Certain Clothes Vertically in Drawers So Each Item Is Visible ~ This tip works best for socks that have been folded in half, folded underwear, handkerchiefs, folded T-shirts, scarves, hand towels, washcloths, and cleaning cloths. Why do this? 1) To get lots more items in a drawer, thus saving space, 2) To use each item equally by placing newly laundered items in the back, 3) To quickly find what you're looking for (items of various colors).
Solutions (3) for Orphan Socks
1. Solve the "Lost Sock" problem by purchasing lots of socks that are the same - maybe a little different for each family member.
2. Have each family member pin each dirty pair together with safety pins as soon as they take them off and before they toss them in the hamper.
3. Have a mesh bag for each member of your family for laundering their socks. Small items can really be "eaten" by the washing machine! We've had it happen before, which meant our washer quit working. It was a big expense getting it fixed, only to find a tiny item that had gotten stuck, causing our machine to quit! If each member would place his socks in his own bag and be responsible to fold and put them in his own drawer when they come out of the dryer, that would solve the problem. After giving this some thought, I came up with this last idea and sewed up this mesh bag for small items to be washed. This would be perfect for eye glass cleaning cloths, and socks.
It would be helpful for each family member to have a different colored zipper.
Stains ~ My latest favorite stain remover is a mixture of 2 parts hydrogen peroxide to 1 part Dawn liquid dishwashing detergent. I use it in either a pump container or a spray bottle. It's the best stain remover I've found for removing ring-around-the-collar, blood, and every stain to which it's been applied! Simply apply it to the stain, gently use a toothbrush on the stained area, and soak it in water if necessary. Be sure to test it on an inside seam if you think it might remove color from any fabric, but so far, it has not bleached out any darker fabrics for me. I'm amazed at how well this simple mixture works in removing stains!
Another option is to use Grandma's Secret Spot Remover (found at JoAnn Fabrics and A.C Moore). I bought quite a few online at JoAnn's when they were 75% off. After covering the spot with the spot remover, I lightly brush the stain with a wet toothbrush, then put it in water and check to see it the stain is gone. Sometimes two applications are necessary.
Murphy Oil Soap is good for some stains, and I keep it on hand for hand scrubbing white shoestrings.
I still stand by soaking stubbornly really stained clothes and kitchen dishcloths and towels in OxiClean and hot water for removing most stains. I no longer use bleach for clothing.
For berry stains, simply pour boiling water from a teapot on the stain (garment in a sink) in a slow stream from a height of about 1-2 feet above the stain. The berry stain will magically disappear instantly!
Solutions (3) for Orphan Socks
1. Solve the "Lost Sock" problem by purchasing lots of socks that are the same - maybe a little different for each family member.
2. Have each family member pin each dirty pair together with safety pins as soon as they take them off and before they toss them in the hamper.
3. Have a mesh bag for each member of your family for laundering their socks. Small items can really be "eaten" by the washing machine! We've had it happen before, which meant our washer quit working. It was a big expense getting it fixed, only to find a tiny item that had gotten stuck, causing our machine to quit! If each member would place his socks in his own bag and be responsible to fold and put them in his own drawer when they come out of the dryer, that would solve the problem. After giving this some thought, I came up with this last idea and sewed up this mesh bag for small items to be washed. This would be perfect for eye glass cleaning cloths, and socks.
It would be helpful for each family member to have a different colored zipper.
Stains ~ My latest favorite stain remover is a mixture of 2 parts hydrogen peroxide to 1 part Dawn liquid dishwashing detergent. I use it in either a pump container or a spray bottle. It's the best stain remover I've found for removing ring-around-the-collar, blood, and every stain to which it's been applied! Simply apply it to the stain, gently use a toothbrush on the stained area, and soak it in water if necessary. Be sure to test it on an inside seam if you think it might remove color from any fabric, but so far, it has not bleached out any darker fabrics for me. I'm amazed at how well this simple mixture works in removing stains!
Another option is to use Grandma's Secret Spot Remover (found at JoAnn Fabrics and A.C Moore). I bought quite a few online at JoAnn's when they were 75% off. After covering the spot with the spot remover, I lightly brush the stain with a wet toothbrush, then put it in water and check to see it the stain is gone. Sometimes two applications are necessary.
Murphy Oil Soap is good for some stains, and I keep it on hand for hand scrubbing white shoestrings.
I still stand by soaking stubbornly really stained clothes and kitchen dishcloths and towels in OxiClean and hot water for removing most stains. I no longer use bleach for clothing.
For berry stains, simply pour boiling water from a teapot on the stain (garment in a sink) in a slow stream from a height of about 1-2 feet above the stain. The berry stain will magically disappear instantly!
Tips for Fresh Produce
by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - 2014
When you get home from the grocery store, this preparation will prolong the life of your produce and prevent rot and mold for a longer period of time!
When you get home from the grocery store, this preparation will prolong the life of your produce and prevent rot and mold for a longer period of time!
Celery - Wrap in aluminum foil. You will be amazed at how much longer it will stay fresh.
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, oranges, mangoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc. ~
Here's how you can wash as well as prevent your berries from going bad in a day or so:
1. Pour at least 1/2 cup white vinegar into a large bowl, basin, or sink.
2. Soak one kind of produce for at least 5 minutes, covered in vinegar water. I reuse that same water for other produce.
3. Rinse and drain in colander.
4. Place one or two paper towels inside a Ziplock bag to absorb moisture from each type of washed fruit.
5. You can reuse the bag for next time. Just rinse out with water.
Melon - My holistic doctor told me when the listeria outbreak occurred with cantaloupe that it can be prevented. She said to saturate a dish cloth with hydrogen peroxide, cover the surface of melon with it, and let it set for ten minutes. That would get rid of the danger of listeria, she said.
Keep Listeria Out of Your Kitchen:
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, oranges, mangoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc. ~
Here's how you can wash as well as prevent your berries from going bad in a day or so:
1. Pour at least 1/2 cup white vinegar into a large bowl, basin, or sink.
2. Soak one kind of produce for at least 5 minutes, covered in vinegar water. I reuse that same water for other produce.
3. Rinse and drain in colander.
4. Place one or two paper towels inside a Ziplock bag to absorb moisture from each type of washed fruit.
5. You can reuse the bag for next time. Just rinse out with water.
Melon - My holistic doctor told me when the listeria outbreak occurred with cantaloupe that it can be prevented. She said to saturate a dish cloth with hydrogen peroxide, cover the surface of melon with it, and let it set for ten minutes. That would get rid of the danger of listeria, she said.
Keep Listeria Out of Your Kitchen:
A Nifty Tip for Corn on the Cob
Remove outer husks, but leave on enough inner layers to cover the corn kernels. I do this in the grocery store.
Cook the corn in boiling water or in a microwave with the remaining husk intact.
Using a large knife, cut off the stem end, along with the end of the cob.
Holding the hot cob tightly (with a towel) at the end where the silks are, squeeze the corn cob out of the husks. There will be barely any silk remaining on the corn kernels!
Cook the corn in boiling water or in a microwave with the remaining husk intact.
Using a large knife, cut off the stem end, along with the end of the cob.
Holding the hot cob tightly (with a towel) at the end where the silks are, squeeze the corn cob out of the husks. There will be barely any silk remaining on the corn kernels!
Kids and Telling Lies
Posted on June 26, 2014 - by Lori Wildenberg
Used by permission
We had a young woman living with us for about 9 months. She worked as a care giver for elderly home-bound folks. One evening, after training, she came home visibility upset. “The company wants me to lie to the Alzheimer patients,” she said. It was recommended that when a dementia patient was talking about a certain subject to nod in agreement, listen, not correct, and go along with the conversation. Our house guest was upset by this. She values honesty.
Used by permission
We had a young woman living with us for about 9 months. She worked as a care giver for elderly home-bound folks. One evening, after training, she came home visibility upset. “The company wants me to lie to the Alzheimer patients,” she said. It was recommended that when a dementia patient was talking about a certain subject to nod in agreement, listen, not correct, and go along with the conversation. Our house guest was upset by this. She values honesty.
Honesty is an important and godly virtue. But there is wisdom in the recommendation. Why tell a person suffering from memory loss that his or her spouse has died and there is no way that person is coming to visit? Why put the patient through the fresh and great grief, over and over again? Sparing him or her that intense emotional pain is a kindness.
Not all lies are created equal.
We have the little white lie, the grey area fib, story embellishment, the kindness lie, the lies of omission and co-mission, and the tall tale. All are based in an untruth but not all lies are perceived the same way. The lies that are the most problematic are the ones where the liar is trying to make himself look better or keep himself out of trouble. The other types of fabrications don’t seem to cause as big of an uproar.
Because lying is a bit fluid in its interpretation, I think it is a good idea to talk with your kids about how your family defines a lie and a liar.
A little kid may tell fantasy type lies, perhaps coming up with a fabrication about his day. This occurs when the child is around 3- to- 4-years of age. Developmentally he has a pretty good command of the language and a blossoming imagination. No sense in calling the child a liar. Instead help him distinguish between reality and fantasy. “That is a great story, Sammy. Tell it to me again so I can write it down then you can draw a picture to go with it!” The lies that tend to be the pants on fire liar-liar type of lies are the acceptance, attention, and avoidance lies.
Acceptance lies are told so that one may fit in better with a peer group. Love is perceived to be conditional. If your child habitually tells this type of lie, be aware. He is not feeling secure in his relationships and the need to belong is not being satisfied. He may need some assistance in learning how to make friends. This child desperately needs to know he is loved, no matter what, by you and by God.
Attention lies are told for…well… the need for attention, love, or even power. This child needs a little more time from you, the parent. He needs reassurance he doesn’t need to tell stories to get people to listen to him. Give this child some element of control over certain parts of his day so he doesn’t feel the need to gain respect by making something up.
Avoidance lies. The lies of omission and co-mission. “I’m not telling. If I do, I’ll get into trouble.” or “I’ll say I did this instead of telling what really happened.” (The great cover-up.) This is the lie to avoid big trouble; which can only be resolved by admission and confession and then forgiveness and reconciliation can follow. Before any of that can happen the child needs to feel that love is not conditional. There may be (should be) natural consequences to follow while keeping love and affection intact.
Kids are less likely to tell fibs (big or little) and more likely to fess up if they live in a home where not having to be perfect is a-okay. A home where forgiveness reigns and imperfect people can admit mistakes (without fearing ridicule or experiencing withheld affection ) is a place where truth and honesty can flourish.
BE approachable. BE humble. Let your kiddos know you make mistakes too. So when your five-year-old breaks a cup or your sixteen-year-old crashes the car, he will come to you, tell you what happened, and together you can resolve the situation while maintaining your relationship.
Of course lying needs to be addressed but it isn’t the end of the world if your child lies to you. Discovering a lie is the beginning of training your child in the virtue of honesty which results in trust and trust is the thing that builds a strong relationship.
So…what lies did you tell as a kid? Why do you think you told them? How can this help you parent your child?
Keep falsehood and lies far from me.
Proverbs 30:8a
Lori Wildenberg - Wife to Tom - Mom of 4 - Co-founder of 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting
Co-author of Raising Little Kids with Big Love and Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love (soon to be released)
Licensed parent and family educator
Available for parent consulting, and workshops, retreats, and other speaking engagements.
See more at:
Outdoor Film Canister Rocket
by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - August, 2014
nothing like a little rocket science to add some excitement to the
day! My three and six year old grandsons and I had fun launching quite a
few of rockets recently! We set off between two and six rockets on at
least three different days, and it brought such joy and laughter from
these two precious little guys! I did the launching myself for safety's
This is what actually happens! The water starts to dissolve the Alka-seltzer tablet inside a film canister, creating a gas called carbon dioxide. As the gas is released inside the tightly closed canister, it creates pressure until it blasts off the cap and the rocket is blasted into the air with a loud pop! This system of thrust is what makes a real rocket blast off, although they use rocket fuel, of course. Here's how to have fun blasting off rockets, but be sure to do it safely!
This is what actually happens! The water starts to dissolve the Alka-seltzer tablet inside a film canister, creating a gas called carbon dioxide. As the gas is released inside the tightly closed canister, it creates pressure until it blasts off the cap and the rocket is blasted into the air with a loud pop! This system of thrust is what makes a real rocket blast off, although they use rocket fuel, of course. Here's how to have fun blasting off rockets, but be sure to do it safely!
* 1 empty 35mm plastic film canister and lid. Since digital cameras, these are becoming harder to find, but you might try checking at a store that develops film for some. A tip: I've found that the white film canisters work better. The lids are not quite as tight.
* A permanent marker
* 1 fizzing anti-acid tablet (I bought an off brand similar to Alka-seltzer at a dollar store for a much better price!) One tablet usually works for 2 rocket blast offs OR you can break the tablet in half for each blast off.
* 1 teaspoon water
* A pair of safety goggles would be a good idea
* 1 empty 35mm plastic film canister and lid. Since digital cameras, these are becoming harder to find, but you might try checking at a store that develops film for some. A tip: I've found that the white film canisters work better. The lids are not quite as tight.
* A permanent marker
* 1 fizzing anti-acid tablet (I bought an off brand similar to Alka-seltzer at a dollar store for a much better price!) One tablet usually works for 2 rocket blast offs OR you can break the tablet in half for each blast off.
* 1 teaspoon water
* A pair of safety goggles would be a good idea
* Paint vertical stripes on the white film canister.
* Put on safety goggles and carry your supplies outdoors.
* Make a launching pad (level place on the ground, driveway, or a spot in the grass). An upside-down five-gallon bucket is what we used. That saves a little time and is easier on the back as well.
* Place half or whole tablet in the film canister. If you use a whole tablet, the remaining part will work to set off another rocket.
* The next three steps must be done quickly!! (**) - It's a good idea for an adult to do this first so you know how much time is needed (usually about 10 seconds).
** Quickly pour a teaspoon of water into the canister (over the tablet).
** Quickly put on the lid, making sure it snaps (listen for the snap) and set the canister on the launching pad, with the lid facing down.
** Quickly stand back at least 10 feet from the launching pad and wait!
* About 10 seconds later you will hear a pop as the canister flies into the air!
* If it doesn't launch, patiently wait at least 30 seconds before checking to see if the lid was on tightly enough, and try again.
After you learn how to do the basics of this experiment, you may want to experiment with controlling the rocket's path by adding fins and a nose cone that you can make out of paper.
* Paint vertical stripes on the white film canister.
* Put on safety goggles and carry your supplies outdoors.
* Make a launching pad (level place on the ground, driveway, or a spot in the grass). An upside-down five-gallon bucket is what we used. That saves a little time and is easier on the back as well.
* Place half or whole tablet in the film canister. If you use a whole tablet, the remaining part will work to set off another rocket.
* The next three steps must be done quickly!! (**) - It's a good idea for an adult to do this first so you know how much time is needed (usually about 10 seconds).
** Quickly pour a teaspoon of water into the canister (over the tablet).
** Quickly put on the lid, making sure it snaps (listen for the snap) and set the canister on the launching pad, with the lid facing down.
** Quickly stand back at least 10 feet from the launching pad and wait!
* About 10 seconds later you will hear a pop as the canister flies into the air!
* If it doesn't launch, patiently wait at least 30 seconds before checking to see if the lid was on tightly enough, and try again.
After you learn how to do the basics of this experiment, you may want to experiment with controlling the rocket's path by adding fins and a nose cone that you can make out of paper.
God's Glory Revealed
by Maria Hartman - Used by permission
I looked at this beautiful sight, I immediately thought of how the
glory of God shines through the clouds.. And then, I thought how true
this was in life as well. Were it always sunny and easy and comfortable,
would we recognize God's hand? Would we hear His voice? Would we see
His grace?.....would we know how much we needed Him or how much He
wanted to be real in and through us, pouring out His power and love? I
think the answer is no, we wouldn't.
You see, it's the clouds. If they weren't there how would we ever be able to see the glory of the risen Savior? How would he do what only He can do, if it weren't for the backdrop of darkness for Him to shine through?.... that is what God does with clouds.. or obstacles or burdens or pain or hardships.
He makes them into a thing of beauty because His light and His truth penetrates the darkness. The darkest cloud only makes the light more glorious as it passes through. And it is then that all can see and know that the Lord God lives and is at work. And He is beautiful beyond description.
You see, it's the clouds. If they weren't there how would we ever be able to see the glory of the risen Savior? How would he do what only He can do, if it weren't for the backdrop of darkness for Him to shine through?.... that is what God does with clouds.. or obstacles or burdens or pain or hardships.
He makes them into a thing of beauty because His light and His truth penetrates the darkness. The darkest cloud only makes the light more glorious as it passes through. And it is then that all can see and know that the Lord God lives and is at work. And He is beautiful beyond description.

Another Sign of the Last Days:
New York Times: Euphrates River is drying up as foretold by Bible
The Bible says the Euphrates river will be the initial division between the North and the South when the nations of the world begin to align in preparation for the battle of Armageddon. It is in this last battle that the nations of the earth will fight Jesus Christ and His angels coming down from Heaven. Jesus will conquer all the armies against Him and will begin to directly rule the world from His throne in Jerusalem.
The shrinking of the Euphrates, a river so crucial to the birth of civilization that the Book of Revelation prophesied its drying up as a sign of the end times, has decimated farms along its banks, has left fishermen impoverished and has depleted riverside towns as farmers flee to the cities looking for work.
“Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared.” Revelation 16: 12
Jesus is coming soon…Our King and Savior!
to see the Armageddon Battleground and a Map of Euphrates River Valley and Middle East
The Bible says the Euphrates river will be the initial division between the North and the South when the nations of the world begin to align in preparation for the battle of Armageddon. It is in this last battle that the nations of the earth will fight Jesus Christ and His angels coming down from Heaven. Jesus will conquer all the armies against Him and will begin to directly rule the world from His throne in Jerusalem.
The shrinking of the Euphrates, a river so crucial to the birth of civilization that the Book of Revelation prophesied its drying up as a sign of the end times, has decimated farms along its banks, has left fishermen impoverished and has depleted riverside towns as farmers flee to the cities looking for work.
“Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared.” Revelation 16: 12
Jesus is coming soon…Our King and Savior!
Romantic Gift Ideas
by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - August, 2014
This month my husband and I celebrated out forty-sixth wedding anniversary together, which started me thinking on romantic gift ideas. I'll be glad to share these with you.
1. Photo shoot for the two of you or a photographed portrait of you as a couple. One year my husband suggested we get our photo taken on Valentine's Day, before going out for dinner, which I thought was romantic.
2. Horseback riding for just the two of you. Through the woods or on the beach would be especially fun.
3. Written invitation for dinner at a favorite restaurant or an upscale restaurant where you've never gone
4. Handwritten original poem about your love together
5. Hot air balloon ride. My dear husband planned this for one of our anniversaries years ago. It was delightful, with breakfast served before our launch! A memorable time on the "Gorgeous Darl'in" hot air balloon, all planned by John! Sailing is another activity which we both enjoy as often as possible, and I consider it to be romantic as well. It costs a lot less too, especially with an old sailboat waiting for us in back of our house.
9. Rent an RV for a get-away together.
10. Silk sheets and chocolates
11. A personalized CD with your favorite love songs or selecting a piece of art together for your home.
12. A get-away at a Bed and Breakfast. John also planned a trip at a beautiful bed and breakfast in a beautiful, quaint town for the two of us.
I think it would be romantic to just sit together and go through scrapbooks of your years together. Over the years I have tried to keep up with simple scrapbooks including all our family trips ever since we were married, with all the basics as well as pictures and souvenirs. I have also made a "Bare Bones List" of all our family vacations, including the dates, destinations, activities, and names of those who went. That list has been helpful when wondering where we went during a particular year.
These are just a few ideas you may want to consider to do to add romance to your lives, instead of the usual flowers, jewelry, or dinner.
This month my husband and I celebrated out forty-sixth wedding anniversary together, which started me thinking on romantic gift ideas. I'll be glad to share these with you.
1. Photo shoot for the two of you or a photographed portrait of you as a couple. One year my husband suggested we get our photo taken on Valentine's Day, before going out for dinner, which I thought was romantic.
2. Horseback riding for just the two of you. Through the woods or on the beach would be especially fun.
3. Written invitation for dinner at a favorite restaurant or an upscale restaurant where you've never gone
4. Handwritten original poem about your love together
5. Hot air balloon ride. My dear husband planned this for one of our anniversaries years ago. It was delightful, with breakfast served before our launch! A memorable time on the "Gorgeous Darl'in" hot air balloon, all planned by John! Sailing is another activity which we both enjoy as often as possible, and I consider it to be romantic as well. It costs a lot less too, especially with an old sailboat waiting for us in back of our house.
6. Car ride with a surprise lunch
planned. We made a day of leisurely cruising on Skyline Drive to see
and photograph the gorgeous autumn leaves and we hope to do this again.
This was an especially romantic trip, since my parents honeymooned on
Skyline Drive in 1939!
7. Handwritten list of the attributes that attracted you to your spouse in the first place. Entitle it, "How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways!" I've saved all of these poems, of course.
8. Handwritten letter about all the things you love about your spouse today, and why you want to grow old together.7. Handwritten list of the attributes that attracted you to your spouse in the first place. Entitle it, "How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways!" I've saved all of these poems, of course.
9. Rent an RV for a get-away together.
10. Silk sheets and chocolates
11. A personalized CD with your favorite love songs or selecting a piece of art together for your home.
12. A get-away at a Bed and Breakfast. John also planned a trip at a beautiful bed and breakfast in a beautiful, quaint town for the two of us.
I think it would be romantic to just sit together and go through scrapbooks of your years together. Over the years I have tried to keep up with simple scrapbooks including all our family trips ever since we were married, with all the basics as well as pictures and souvenirs. I have also made a "Bare Bones List" of all our family vacations, including the dates, destinations, activities, and names of those who went. That list has been helpful when wondering where we went during a particular year.
These are just a few ideas you may want to consider to do to add romance to your lives, instead of the usual flowers, jewelry, or dinner.
Precious Gems
These will make you smile, shed a tear, laugh out loud, or say, "Ahhhh!" Please share your Precious Gems!
Thanks, ladies, for giving me permission to include these cute quotes!
On day #2 of kindergarten.....
Addison (5): "Mom, how many more days do we have to get up so early?" ~ Michelle in Virginia
Addison (5): "Mom, how many more days do we have to get up so early?" ~ Michelle in Virginia
grandson, Andrew (3) was given two mints as a reward. His 6 year old
brother, Daniel, said he'd like one. Andrew promptly reached in his
mouth and took out one of his mints, gladly giving it to his brother!
Now that's brotherly love! ~ Lois in Virginia
grandson, Andrew (3) was so sad that we were going home after spending
nine days with his family. He looked so sad and told me he'd miss me.
Then his eyes lit up and he asked me, "Will you leave PawPaw here?" ~
Lois in Virginia
(8) to Jocy (6): I can tell I am getting to be an adult because it is
starting to hurt when you jump on my back like that. ~ Beth in Ohio
6 year old Twins (M.-Boy and A. - Girl)
Malakai: "I'm going to settle my voice so I don't lose it."
Amiya: "I'm going to settle my voice because I need to chitter chatter a LOT." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Malakai: "I'm going to settle my voice so I don't lose it."
Amiya: "I'm going to settle my voice because I need to chitter chatter a LOT." ~ Danielle in Alabama
heard what I thought was Cadence (6 mo.) stirring this morning, but as I
rounded the hall, I saw it was Heidi (2) wide awake, singing over and
over, "Your love never fails it never gives up, it never runs out on
me"...while she was making her bed. Priceless moment. ~ Rebekah in
Daddy: (excitedly): "Guess what!?"
Amiya (6): "Your mom is having another baby and you'll have a new brother or sister?!"
Daddy: " We're eating Mexican for dinner!"
Amiya: "Oh...Okay, that's good too." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Daddy: " We're eating Mexican for dinner!"
Amiya: "Oh...Okay, that's good too." ~ Danielle in Alabama
needed to shuffle cars around this morning, and a sweet friend offered
to get me and the kids for church. Then this happened with our 4-yr old:
Chloe Beth: Wait! Is my friend (who is a boy) going to be in the car?
Me: Yes.
Chloe Beth: Then I need to get my bracelet and put my makeup on!
Me: Ummm....what???? ~ Amy in Virginia
Chloe Beth: Wait! Is my friend (who is a boy) going to be in the car?
Me: Yes.
Chloe Beth: Then I need to get my bracelet and put my makeup on!
Me: Ummm....what???? ~ Amy in Virginia
Malakai (6) to me: "Morning, Cupcake!"
Me: "Cupcake!?!?"
Malakai: "Well, I just mean you're sweet as a cupcake." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Me: "Cupcake!?!?"
Malakai: "Well, I just mean you're sweet as a cupcake." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Lexi (5): I am goin' to look like mommy when I get older, 'cause I have her toes!!! ~ Vera in Virginia
Me: "Malakai (6), how many more times do I need to tell you not to kick your soccer ball in the house?"
Malakai: "Ummm, a lot." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Malakai: "Ummm, a lot." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Malakai (6): "Mommy, you know if you keep driving this slow a cheetah's gonna pass you." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Today Mia (5) said, "Mommy, should I buy the barn first or my horse first?" ~ Elizabeth in Virginia
Benjamin (5) was playing on the floor near the baby when he made a discovery.
"Joshua!!! You don't have any teeth!!!" ~ Heather in Virginia
"Joshua!!! You don't have any teeth!!!" ~ Heather in Virginia
Brooklyn (4): "Mom, I don't need to do ballet this year. I need to focus on football." ~ Lauren in Virginia
(6): "I tried to keep my cheeks up but they kept going down and when my
cheeks go down, that means I'm going to cry." ~ Danielle in Alabama
(3) just very excitedly exclaimed, "MOMMY! I found a Jesus Fairy!" So I
go to see what is so great about that, and what in the world it means,
and she is working her new alphabet puzzle... A is for "angel"... ~
Elaine in Virginia
talking to a young girl at church about book reports, I asked her if
she liked to read. She said, "Well, yes, but not as much as I like
chicken." Best. Answer. Ever. ~ Amy in Virginia
out of a hotel I asked Amiya (6) to check all the drawers to make sure
we didn't miss anything. She's says, "There's just a couple books in the
drawer but I think the hotel left them there so people could learn
about Jesus." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Little Guy: Mommy, I almost died.
Me: Why???
Little Guy: I was starving to death. ~ Darlene in Thailand
Me: Why???
Little Guy: I was starving to death. ~ Darlene in Thailand
My daughter-in-law, Rachael, told Andrew (3): "Daddy is going to be home all next week!"
Andrew said excitedly, "I LOVE that!" ~ Lois in Virginia who says, "I LOVE that precious little boy!"
here listening to my kids play "Revival." Mia (5) is the preacher and
her "sermon" is flipping back and forth between Joseph and Frozen. At
least I know she was listening to the sermon last night. ~ Elizabeth in
Kids getting in car after school:
Amiya (6): "Malakai, do you have lipstick on your forehead!?"
Malakai (6): "Yeah, the principal kissed me, so now I have her glitter." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Amiya (6): "Malakai, do you have lipstick on your forehead!?"
Malakai (6): "Yeah, the principal kissed me, so now I have her glitter." ~ Danielle in Alabama
my heart melted when putting Madison (just turned 2) to bed! We always
pray with her and traditionally it is Kyle/myself and then we lay her
down. Tonight she said, "Pray again?" And so I let her pray by herself
for the first time. She proceeded by folding her sweet hands and saying,
"Dear Jesus...thank you for my mommy, and daddy, and Lola and Bear..."
And continued on the list of family. She ended with, "And now bed time.
Amen." So thankful for her beyond words. ~ Lauren in Virginia
middle son (10) saw my tired face at dinner. Without saying anything,
he cleared the table, washed the leftover dishes and cups, fed the dog,
put the leftover in the fridge, wiped the table, and scrubbed the
kitchen sinks just like the way I do every night. And did all that with
such joy and speed. I love him so and I am so blessed to be his mommy. ~
Darlene in Thailand #husbandmaterial #Godsgifttous #sonnotfrommywombbutfrommyheart
singing "I'd Rather Have Jesus" as I rocked Liam (2) before bed
tonight, he leaned back, looked at me very seriously and said, "But I
want you to say you'd rather have ME!'" Thus began a discussion about
how even though I love him SO much, I love Jesus more, because Jesus
died for me and saved me. To which Liam replied, "Awww, that's sweet." ~
Kristen in Virginia
Three good deterrents to sinning:
2. Hate evil, knowing the devil wants to destroy you and those you love!
3. Don't give the devil an inch. If you do, he will take a mile! - Lois
1. Make the goal of your life to please the Lord in everything and bring glory to Him!
2. Hate evil, knowing the devil wants to destroy you and those you love!
3. Don't give the devil an inch. If you do, he will take a mile! - Lois
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