Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Precious Gems

Ladies, thanks for your permission to include your kids' quotes in the newsletter and on the blog!
Overheard at my house (after seeing a big black bear outside):
"Can bears open doors?"
"Do people survive bear bites?"
"Why did God let bears get on the ark?"
"I think I'll play inside today." ~ Lauren in Virginia

I was fixing lunch when I heard Mia (5) saying, “The chickens pecked my toe and they kept it!!” 
"Are you okay, Mia?" I asked her.
“Yes, but MOMMY, the chickens kept part of my toe! Do they like to eat humans?” ~ Elizabeth in Virginia

Last week we were reading about the angel coming to Zachariah and announcing that his wife would have a baby. I asked the kids what his wife’s name was? Mia (5) said, “It was Mommy, Miss Mommy. No, Miss Elizabeth. That’s your name and we can’t just say it.” ~ Elizabeth in Virginia
Well, they are ever so informative! Those little 3 and 4 year olds, that is. I was playing with a little girl who was all involved with the Fisher Price style Medical kit and she kept giving me a 'shot' over and over again. So I asked her, "Why do I need to have so many shots?" Her answer: "Because you are old!!!" Well, I got my answer! ~ Elinor in Virginia
Today was "Donuts for Dad" at school and this happened:
Kid: "Malakai, that's your dad?"
Malakai (6): "Yep!"
Kid: "But you're black!"
Malakai interrupting: "No, no, no...I'm brown" an assuring voice to his dad, "He'll figure it out later, Dad.  Do you have any more Doritos?"
Benjamin (3): Where is our Christmas tree?
Me: We put it in the woods, remember?
Benjamin: We need to get it soon.
Me: No we don't. It's almost summer. We go to the lake and the beach and play in the pool. We go see fireworks and have cookouts. Then it's fall and you go to school and we go to the apple orchard and the pumpkin patch and we have Halloween and Thanksgiving and THEN it's Christmas.
Benjamin: Well, thank you for telling me. .....
Benjamin: When's Thanksgiving?~ Heather in Virginia

We went to social security office to update kids' cards. When leaving the nicest security officer said, "y'all come back soon!" Malakai (6) said, "Ohhhh no! I am NEVER coming back here again! That took tooooo long!" ~ Danielle in Alabama
Evidence of effective summer parenting:
Child: "Mom. I'm hungry. Can I have lunch? I want a sandwich, but I don't want peanut butter."
Mom: "Well, what kind of sandwich do you want?"
Child: "Ummm...could I have an ice cream sandwich?" ~ Amy in Virginia
Today Jocelynn (6) asks me, "Where does the sidewalk end, Mommy?" 
I respond, "At the end of our street, I guess."
"No it doesn't," she says. "But it ends somewhere. There is no sidewalk at Gammy's house." ~ Beth in Ohio (Grammy Terrie lives in Virginia)
The girls' reactions to their newborn cousin's pictures:
Savannah (6): Awww, he is totally adorbs! I can't wait to hold him!
Brooklyn (4): Why is he so gross? That's a lot of yucky stuff. Give him a bath!
Well, there ya have it with my little opposites! ~ Lauren in Virginia
A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, "Grandma, guess what? We learned how to make babies today."
The grandmother, more than a little surprised, tried to keep her cool. "That's interesting," she said, "How do you make babies?"
"It's simple," replied the little girl. "You just change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es.'"

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