Sunday, July 29, 2012

Reflexes, Learning, and Behaviour

New and updated edition of ‘A Teacher’s Window into the Child’s Mind’

A very informative and helpful book by Dr. Sally Goddard Blythe

This unique and brilliant book explores the physical basis of learning difficulties, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), with particular focus on the role of abnormal reflexes and the effect upon subsequent development.
Sally explains how the reflexes of infancy (primitive and postural) can affect the learning ability of the child if they are not inhibited and integrated by the developing brain in the first three years of life. Each reflex is described together with its function in normal development, and its impact upon learning and behaviour, if it remains active beyond the normal period.
Simple tests for the reflexes that are crucial to education are described, together with suggestions for suitable remedial intervention. The effect of abnormal reflexes on balance and sensory processing is also described. A brief history of how current methods of intervention designed to correct abnormal reflexes have evolved and a summary of some of the relevant research in the field are included.
This book is essential reading for parents, teachers, psychologists, optometrists and anyone involved in the assessment, education and management of children and their problems. It explains why certain children are unable to benefit from the same teaching methods as their peers and why they remain immature in other aspects of their lives.
Please click on the following link to order this book from Fernridge for $29.99, about one third the price at Amazon!

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