Sunday, July 29, 2012

Precious Gems

Thanks, ladies, for these Precious Gems!

My friend from Atlanta was here last weekend.  She told me the cutest funny story about her 4 year old grandson, Eli.  He was sitting beside his Grandma Jane, and he looked up at her and said, “Grandma Jane, why are you so old?”  So Jane proceeds to explain to him how she was born a long time ago and how he should remember that about four years ago, he was just a tiny baby and now he is older…and he said, “ Yes, but my skin is still straight!” ~ Elinor in Virginia  

From my 2 year old: "Mama, when I get big I'm going to grow a baby in my tummy." (a long pause) "Next week is my birthday and I'll be 3. That means...I'll be big. (pause) Mama, there is a baby growing inside my tummy now, and it's going to come out on my birthday 'cause I'll be big then!!!" (extreme excitement from the child, and Mommy wondering how to teach this lesson...) ~ Rosie in Central Asia

During breakfast this morning, I asked the kids if they knew what is special about today.  They quickly replied, "Your anniversary!"  When I asked if they knew which anniversary it is, Addison (8) correctly said, "The 14th."  He then followed with, "This is your unlucky anniversary.  Next year's anniversary will be better."  And onto the next subject he went.  :) ~ Ellen Rachel

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