Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Priceless Baby Gift: Precious Gems and More

by Lois Breneman - 2013 - Heart to Heart Newsletter -

Last weekend I gave a special gift to our youngest son, James, and daughter-in law, Emily, as they await the birth of their first baby very soon.  It was a notebook including our three children's kids' quotes, facts, stories, milestones, vacations, memories, and so much more.  This is a gift I gave our two older children when they were expecting their first child, as well.

This notebook began many years ago when I started recording on scrap paper all the cute, funny and even profound quotes from each of our three children.   Knowing I would forget much of what I didn't write down, I kept scrap paper and a pencil in just about every room to capture any special "gems" the minute they happened.  A dull pencil can preserve what the sharpest mind can not!  So true!  I'd write the child's name, the date, and the "gem" and periodically tuck them away in an envelope for each child.  A few times I took the envelopes on vacation and read the quotes to the family in the car.  We laughed and laughed and they always begged to hear more!  The plan was to someday write out all of these quotes to give to our children.  I was so thankful though to be able to type them out in WORD, rather than write them all out, because there were hundreds!   Each of our children gave me permission to include their personal quotes in this priceless notebook, so the typing began.

The first notebook went to our daughter and son-in-law before they welcomed their first child into the family.  In preparation for a neighborhood baby shower for our daughter that I was unable to attend at the time because of the long distance, I surprised my daughter by mailing this gift to one of her friends to take to the shower for me.  My daughter said all of the guests were having such fun reading the quotes, saying, "Oh, listen to this one!" that she almost didn't get to take it home!  She shared with me how she often enjoyed reading through it while nursing Justin during the quiet night hours.

The first page was a personal handwritten letter by me written on decorative paper to the expectant parents.
But the notebook didn't stop with kids' quotes.  All three of our children's baby book information is included in the notebook, as well.  As a baby grows and develops, a mother often wonders if her little one is on target in growth and development.  A look at how tall Daddy was at various ages, and when he first talked and walked can be quite helpful.  I listed words spoken during the first year or two, which can be a good guide for the new mother in teaching her baby new words and concepts.  The lists of favorite foods can be helpful as a possible guide to follow as well.  Even foods that were disliked are included.  First sentences spoken are given, and their early childhood friends are listed.  Notes for babysitters reveal all kinds of helpful information.

Graduations and certifications are listed with the years.

Family vacations have been documented from the very beginning of our marriage almost forty-five years ago, with dates, locations, names of family members, and activities.  The last vacation entry was last summer when all twelve members of our family members got together.  We are planning our next vacation with a new little one.  The beach seems to be a favorite destination.

My childhood memories are also included in this notebook.  Years ago my sister planned a surprise Tribute for our father, in which family members wrote memories and messages to be compiled in a notebook for him.  Our niece, Diane, wrote and sang a song for Grandpa, as she accompanied herself on the keyboard in the living room.  My sister, brothers, and I, as well as most everyone else, had tears running down our cheeks during this emotional gathering, especially during Diane's song.  My tribute to Daddy was almost five pages of childhood memories, leading not only up to the day I left home to get married, but includes vacations Mother and Daddy shared with our family, as well as those with only Daddy after Mom's graduation to heaven.

So, dear mothers, I would encourage each one of you to record all of those "precious gems" from your children - the minute they happen, lest you forget.  Simply scribble them down on scrap paper for now, and store each child's gems in a business envelope.  A lovely journal is not necessary, because you might hesitate scribbling in that, thinking you must use your best handwriting.  I can tell you from experience that I never had time for writing neatly in a nice book in the midst of caring for my home and family!  I had lots more time after the children left home for typing up everything in order, thanks to the dates scribbled down.

The two things you need to get started are few pieces of scrap paper and pencils.  I divided an 81/2' by 11" piece of paper into 4 pieces, and put them in a very safe location.  Oh yes, you need a listening ear so you don't miss those precious moments that your children will provide - moments that may otherwise be gone forever!

This is a priceless baby gift that no amount of money can buy.  You won't find it listed in a gift registry.  It's a precious gift that only the deep love of a mother for her children can make happen!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

what a great idea! I've often wondered what I should do for the kids since we don't have a lot of Baby information to make a baby book for them! Thanks for sharing!!