Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Precious Gems

Our 6-year-old grandson and his father passed by a small cemetery. Seeing a car there, he asked what it was doing there. His dad said, "Maybe a worker -- maybe someone taking flowers - maybe someone visiting a grave." After a moment of silence the response was: "Maybe the car died."  ~ Betty in Texas

While I was in the hospital, his Nana asked Caydon (3), "What are you going to tell Caleb about  when he comes out of Mommy's belly?"  Caydon said, "I'm going to tell him about Jesus." ~ Kelly in Pennsylvania

While I was in the hospital (ready to have our second son), Caydon (3) said, "Boy!  They are going to need a BIG screwdriver to get Caleb out of Mommy's belly!" ~ Kelly in Pennsylvania
The following is a conversation that Autumn Rose (3) had with a friend of ours.
Friend: How is your Grandmother?
Autumn Rose: Fine
Friend: Is her knee sore? (after knee surgery)
Autumn Rose:  Yep!
Friend: Is your grandmother sick?
Autumn Rose: Nope!  She is just old! ~ Mary in Virginia 
Conversation between Melody (2) and her mommy:  "Mommy, my feet are purring."  "What? Your feet are purring?"  "Yeah, like a kitty."  "Really?  Do they feel all tingly?"  "Yeah."  "They aren't purring, honey, they are asleep."  "Oh."  :) ~ Rosie in Central Asia

Yesterday, Elijah (4) and I found a black woolly mammoth caterpillar. When we looked for it this morning he was gone. Then Elijah said in the car on the way to school, "Mommy that spikey caterpillar that we saw reminds me of the crown of thorns that Jesus wore."  I am thankful for a little boy that sees reminders of God's love for us in the little every day things. It helps this mommy look at the world in different way. ~ Ashley in Virginia
As Daniel (4), my grandson, and I were filling up water balloons the other day at the kitchen sink, one dropped into the opening of the garbage disposal, and Daniel said, "It went down the sewer!"  I asked him what he thought a sewer is.  He said there were sewer monsters down there that ate up all the garbage." ~ Lois

My grandson, Daniel (who just turned 4) and his mommy were discussing whether birds can hear.  Daniel said, "I'm not an animalologist but I suspect they can hear!" ~ Lois

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