Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Perennial Kindness

by Jalisa Wenger in Pennsylvania - Used by permission

Her flowerbeds were beautiful,
And she had flow’rs to share.
She wondered if I’d like to take
Some home and plant them there.
Of course, I was delighted to,
And planted them with care.
I watched them grow and multiply;
Their scent perfumed the air.
Then as the season passed on by
My flow’rs began to wane.
I trimmed them back and wondered if
They’d grow when springtime came.
And then one day in early spring
While digging flowerbeds,
I came upon some light green shoots.
And, oh, how they had spread!
And so I shared them with my friends
Who shared them with some more.
These flow’rs now grace the flowerbeds
Of homes the country o’er.
It is that way with kindness, too,
When someone lends a hand,
Or shares a word of timely praise
Like "Keep on! Yes, you can!"
The weary ones, it blesses so,
And makes their spirits soar.
It gives fresh courage to keep on
Though they were tired before.
Then they, with faith and hope renewed,
Reach out to bless a friend.
And thus the kindness travels on;
Who knows where it may end?
So, my dear friends, let’s share and care;
Let’s love and give and pray.
For who, but God, can know the good
From one kind deed one day!

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