Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lemonade and Angel Food Cakes

by Lois Breneman - May, 2012 - Heart to Heart

You have all heard the story that if life deals you lemons, you can turn a bad situation into something good by making lemonade.  Well, I was surprised to learn half a year ago that I have a food sensitivity to many foods, after going to a holistic doctor to get relief from widespread nonstop inflammation in the form of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.  One of those foods to avoid is egg whites.  I have always loved eggs, but have found ways to improvise by adding egg yolks to oatmeal and cooking it a minute longer, as well as adding yolks to casseroles for added flavor.  Omelets don't really work too well without egg whites, since it is the whites that act as binding agents in cooking and baking.

During the first few months I had thrown the egg whites down the drain, which was hard to do!  Although I had always looked for ways to save money in the home, having studied economics for the home, it was just too much to handle at the time with being on such a restrictive diet (food sensitivities, plus a yeast free and gluten free diet, as well as other food restrictions) that the holistic doctor advised me to follow.  As I concentrated on this new way of eating with so many limitations and tried to find new recipes, as I followed a diet for relief, saving those egg whites just wasn't a top priority at the time.

After I recently began to feel a tad more energy, I thought again about those wasted egg whites, and began saving them to make angel  food cakes - not for us to eat, but to give away to bless others!  It has been a real joy to bring smiles to busy moms by giving them an angel food cake from time to time.  Sometimes I am able to make two cakes at a time, and with "Heart to Heart" being the name of this ministry, it is appropriate that one of my angel food cake pans is heart-shaped! <3

You can find the recipe for Angel Food Cake on the Recipes blog.

It is my husband's and my prayer that the Lord will bring me physical relief through the holistic doctor I am going to (two hours from home).  I've been told that the process will take years.  If you feel led to add me to your prayer list, I would be most appreciative.  Thanks so much! 

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