Monday, September 26, 2011

Precious Gems

You know God has blessed you with a house full of little boys when to soothe your fussy baby girl, you find yourself humming the "Spider Man" theme song... ~ Elaine in Virginia

It's official.  We are in trouble.  I tell Mike (husband) we need to go to the P-A-R-K and Anna (4) says, "Yea, and I need to take my bike!  Yikes! ~ Lauren in Virginia

While visiting our daughter and hubby in Georgia, our "prophetic" grandson (4) asked me why his Papaw Jack and I were so old. I told him we were born a long time ago and each year, our bodies age. I did remind him that even though he was only 4, he was older than he was when he was born, to which he replied: "But my skin is still straight." ~ Jane (sent by Terrie in Virginia)

The following three quotes are from my niece, Bethany (3) ~ Julie in Washington

"Beth, do you want to go to the gym with me tomorrow?"
Bethany: "Who's Jim?"

"How old are you?"
Bethany: "I'm free!"

What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Bethany: "Five!"

Years ago when our daughter was a waitress, a young family was about to order, when Joy reminded the parents that their little boy was "Free!"  He looked at her with a scowl and said in no uncertain terms, "I'm four!!!" ~ Lois
 The following three gems are from Nancy in Pennsylvania, after finding some quotes she had written down years ago when her kids were small:

Diane and Kevin were staying with Grandpa and Grandma Walker for a few days. While eating, Diane (6) kicked Grandma under the table. When Grandma asked why Diane kicked her, Diane said, "I just wanted you to look at me so I could tell you I love you!" ~ Nancy in PA

One evening my husband and I were playing around and he began to chase me. I ran into the bathroom and tried to lock the door. But he pushed it open and gave a gentle push. As a result, I fell back into the open clothes hamper! Later, Diane (6) called Grandma and told her that "Daddy was fighting Mommy and stuck her in the clothes hamper." ~ Nancy in PA

I was preparing to paint the living room so I removed all the photos, etc. from the walls in the room. Kevin (3 years) came in from playing and when he saw the room, he said, "Uh, oh, Mommy, you be in trouble!" You see, he had tried removing the picture from the wall above his bed and I told him he would be in trouble if he did so! ~ Nancy in PA

I got a good laugh tonight as the girls were in the bathtub and I heard Savannah (4) inform her daddy, "Dad, this generation (pointing to herself and sister) needs more bubbles." ~ Lauren in Virginia

Comment from my 3 yr-old granddaughter, Jocelynn, as I was struggling to open the top to a jar.  "Nonnie, I think you have too many cracks in your skin and you aren't strong enough to do this. "  (cracks = wrinkles)  In other words: I am OLD!  I have been avoiding all this for so long....leave it to a child to just spit out the truth! ~ Terrie in Virginia

My daughter, a part time Registered Dietitian, was giving a presentation on eating lots of fruits and vegetables to her daughter's Pre-K class.  To begin she asked the children what they thought a Registered dietitian does in her job.  "Magic tricks!" came the answer from one of the four year olds!  She said, "No, but what I do has to do with breakfast, lunch and dinner, so what do you think I do?  Another quick reply, "Wash your hands!" ~ Lois

I was giving Gracie (7) all-over face kisses when her daddy reminded her it's time to go to bed.  She said, "Hold on, Daddy.  I'm having a moment that I love."  That made me laugh. ~ Penny in Virginia

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