Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Natural Ways to Build Up the Immune System

by Lois Breneman - 2001 - Heart to Heart

So much illness has been going around in recent months - colds, sinus infections, flu, viruses.  So what can we do to avoid so much sickness, which spells misery, missed work, missed school, laundry and other housework piling up, and did I say misery?  Here are just a few ways I have learned and used:

Drinking barley juice each day (morning works best), because it can keep you awake if taken after about 4:00 in the afternoon.  It helps the PH balance in your body.  When your body is balanced or more on the alkaline side, one rarely gets sick.

Vinegar (2 tsp.) mixed in a small amount of Welch's grape juice works to build up the immune system, along with cleansing the liver and gall bladder, as well as balancing the PH in your body.  It can be premixed and kept in the  fridge, and used twice a day (2 tsp. x 2).

Taking Silver Sol, a tasteless liquid, also builds up the immune system.  The bottle suggests taking 2 tsp. twice a day, and it does not need to be refrigerated.  To find the source, do a search for "Silver Sol - Swanson Health Products."

Cutting our sugar from your diet definitely will build up your immune system and cause less inflammation in your body.  Yes, I know!  That is difficult until you get into the habit.  After you do, sweets will not even tempt you.  They will taste sickening sweet to you if you cheat.  Several times I have done well, staying completely off of sugar.  Right now I am trying again to get to that point.  Over Christmas I ate those delicious Swedish ginger cookies that I love (ate more than one or two) and the next morning I had a scratchy throat and extremely achy joints!  With the help of natural remedies, however, I was able to prevent a "slight touch" of a cold from turning into a sore throat or a sinus infection. 

Eating from 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day will also build up your immune system.  The brighter in color, the better.  Eating an apple every day is a good nutritional habit.  Dipping slices in almond butter is a delicious and satisfying snack.

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