Friday, May 27, 2016

Precious Gems

Compiled by Lois Breneman

Thanks to all who contribute to Precious Gems!  Anyone is welcome to send kids' quotes to me at to be considered for this segment.
Amiya (8): What's a mayor?
Dad: It's the person who runs your city.
Malakai (8): I'm confused! Why does a girl horse run a city?!
Dad: What?
Malakai: Isn't a mare a girl horse?

Justin (13) is on a class trip this week and Ryan Elizabeth (8) asked me, "Are you glad you only have one kid to take care of?" Then she adds, "Except you have the wild one!!!" ~ Joy in Georgia

Amiya (8) accommodating a sleeping dog (holding the dog on her lap): "I'm not used to sitting still this long." ~ Danielle in Alabama

Home Sweet Home
Weeds/wildflowers have taken over.
But gotta take a child's perspective.
Kortni (3) says:  Mom, they are so pretty. Thank you for planting the seeds!!! ~ Amanda in Virginia

If you give your kids a laundry basket and ask them to fold their clothes, they might leave some of it inside out.
And if your husband puts the same kids on the bus in the morning, one of them might come home in the afternoon with her shirt still-inside-out.
(And unsnapped in the back.)
And all you can do is thank God for clean laundry. And for the kids who are wearing it and who folded it all by themselves, mostly without complaint. And for a husband who lets you sleep in. ~ Jennifer in Virginia

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