Used with Permission by April White
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”
(Hebrews 10:23)
Bass boats skim across the lake, a rooster tail of water rockets into the air. Spring yawns as petioles stretch open uncurling their true purpose. The leaves are on full display today narrowing my view of the main channel. In the center of my view, a “No Wake” buoy bobs as the bass boats disturb its quiet resting place.This buoyant channel maker captivates my attention. It never sinks. Waves toss the buoy to and fro kissing the water,
always returning to its upright position.
“Joy is not mere happiness. Nor does joy
spring from a life of ease, comfort, or peaceful circumstances. Joy is
the soul’s buoyant response to a God of promise, presence, and power.”
–Susan Lenzkes
Buoy: noun/ a floating object anchored in water to mark something (as a channel)Buoy: verb/ to mark by a buoy, to keep afloat, to raise the spirits of
Buoyancy: noun/ the power of a fluid to exert an upward force on a body placed in it, resilience of spirit.
Buoyant joy is a by-product of resilient faith.
It does not guarantee the absence of a storm; rather it guarantees the ability to bounce back.
A buoy is anchored in water with the purpose of marking the main channel. Our faith and joy are anchored to His living water. We serve as channel markers, guiding those in the midst of the storm to stay on course, encouraging others as we bob along.
Even though thick fog impedes my future, I know the One to whom I’m anchored. Knowing I will bounce back because He is the God over the storm assures me “It is well with my soul.”
~April Dawn White

Photos courtesy of author and Pixabay
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