Friday, March 25, 2016

Mosaic Tray

by Nina Graff
Nina is a fabulous artist, photographer, and friend!
You can see her breathtakingly beautiful work at

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!  Or when life gives you broken dishes, make a mosaic!

So--- I bought this mid-century 'Salem North Star' dish set at an estate sale years ago, just because I liked it's funkiness. When we moved  ALL the dinner plates were broken. (bad packing job on my part), but I couldn't throw them out, of course.  

Then I found a 50 cent metal tray from a rummage sale! I hope the paint doesn't chip off.  I think it will need to be handled carefully.  I'll look for some wooden trays for the next project!

I finally finished the tray I had in mind.

The pieces were glued on with tile adhesive.  It was allowed to dry for a day, then grout was applied over the top and wiped off (bit by bit) with a soft damp cloth.

There are enough broken pieces left over for another project or two.  The tool shown below is called a tile nipper!   If you decide to work on a mosaic, these are quite helpful to get pieces nipped to the right size!  It's like building a puzzle!

  This quote is from Holley Gerth:
"We're all a wild mix of broken and beautiful."
She posts really good stuff!

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