Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Precious Gems

Compiled by Lois Breneman

Thanks to all who contribute to Precious Gems!  Anyone is welcome to send kids' quotes to me at jhbreneman@juno.com to be considered for this segment.
Mom: Today is Veterans Day. Do you know what that means?
Ryan Elizabeth (8): "It's a day to thank those that risked their lives and became vegetarians." 
Mom: Thank you to all you vets! (vegetarian or otherwise)! ~ Joy in Georgia
(Ryan is my granddaughter! ~ Lois)
Malakai (7): "Mommy, we're learning a song for the army people."
Me: "Oh yeah? Is it just for the Army or a different branch?"
Malakai: "It's for all the branches. The Army, Military, Jolly Ranchers, Navy...all of them!" ~ Danielle in Alabama
Camden (5): How old are you, Mommy?
Aiden (8): She is 29 - almost 30.
Camden: Wow that's almost 100!
Aiden: No, it's not! If she was almost 100 her face would be all wrinkly and her cheeks would be sagging down her face.
Thanks, boys! ~ Bethany in Virginia 
So Camden (5) was really into writing his sight words and his name tonight and when he showed me his paper I told him how good of a writer he was. He then looked at me very seriously and said, "Mommy, I am not just a writer I am an illustrator and author." This boy never fails to amuse me. ~ Bethany in Virginia 
Deep thoughts by Annalise (4):
"Mommy, in a minute you will be old, and then you will die, right?"
On the lighter side, she also wants to know what color God is, but she can't see him because he is invisible.
An honorable mention from dinner last night, when she said she liked the chicken and her brother told her it was fish, she said, "You can call it chicken OR fish, because fish is MADE out of chicken..." ~ Elaine in Virginia
Malakai (7) ordered "Rooster Nuggets" at lunch today. Thank you Chick-Fil-A for humoring him with a "Well yes sir, we do have rooster nuggets!" He said they were softer than the others! ~ Danielle in Alabama
Malakai (7): "People in Mississippi kinda sound like they're from England."
Wes: "Oh yeah? Why is that?"
Malakai: "Well, the way GiGi talks sounds British. Like when she says, 'Hey Y'all!'" ~ Danielle in Alabama

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